Yogaveler Blog | Yoga Lifestyle, Philosophy and Travel

Can Kundalini Yoga Make You Sick

Students new to kundalini yoga sometimes complain about feeling sick after a class. There are also those that experience sickness after a sustained practice. Is it true that kundalini yoga can make you sick? Here’s the answer..,

Can We Bath After Yoga Practice? (Answered!)​

It is not recommended to take a bath immediately after yoga; ideally, wait for about 20 to 30 minutes before taking a bath. Allowing your body to cool down after your practice is crucial for it to return to its resting state and reabsorb some of the lost essential minerals. It also helps in normalizing heart rate and body temperature.

Can I Do Yoga in a Closed Room? (Tips to make the most out of it)

While you can do yoga in a closed room, it is advisable that there is proper air circulation. The ideal space for doing yoga is one where there is fresh air and good ventilation, like a place that is sheltered but open. A closed room with poor air circulation will impede your breath and limit the benefit you receive from your yoga practice.

The Advanced Guide to Green Chakra Meaning (Importance & How to Balance)

The green chakra (heart chakra) represents love towards yourself and others. An imbalanced heart chakra becomes overactive or underactive, causing emotional and physical distress. Luckily, meditation, yoga, and music will balance your chakra resulting in self-love and strong social bonds.