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How Much Does a Personal Yoga Instructor Cost? (Avg in USA, Australia, and the UK)

“Nothing is as irritating as the fellow who chats pleasantly while he’s overcharging you.” Kin Hubbard

Chances are, you could be overpaying your private yoga fees. You pay at the trainer’s discretion because standardized prices do not exist.

How Much Does a Personal Yoga Instructor Cost? (Avg in USA, Australia, and the UK)​

One way to make sure you’re getting a fair deal and not being overcharged is by knowing the average hourly rates in the US, Australia, and the UK.

You may spend between $70 and $95 per hour in the US for a private yoga class. On average, you may spend $81 per hour on the West Coast and $89 per hour on the East Coast. If you live in the Gulf Coast, Great Lakes, and Midwest, you may spend $72, $74, and $81 per hour, respectively.

In Australia, you may spend A$43 an hour with an intermediate-level private yoga trainer. An accredited master yogi would cost you 72% more, starting at $75 to $120 per hour. 

For those in the UK, you may spend £37 per hour in a private yoga class. If you’d prefer a fully accredited yoga instructor, you may spend between £40 and £60 per hour.

There are five reasons why personal yoga trainers would quote different hourly fees. These are:

  • Years of training and experience
  • Your location and distance from the instructor
  • Type of yoga class
  • Mode of teaching (virtual or in-person)
  • Bulk payment

Knowing the average hourly rates and reasons for the different prices is not enough. It helps if you have the right information as leverage for getting or negotiating a fair deal.

This article details how much a personal yoga trainer costs in different US regions, the UK, and Australian cities. We share money-saving tips, so you get the best deal and provide resources to help you find a personal yoga instructor near you.

Let’s begin!

How much do yoga instructors charge per hour?​

Depending on your training goals, where you live, distance from the instructor, teaching mode, and the instructor’s credentials, you may spend more or less than the average hourly rate in your region.

Here is a breakdown of private yoga fees in the US, the UK, and Australia.

How much do yoga instructors charge per hour in the US?

You may spend between $70.96 and $95 per hour in the US for a private yoga class. 

Depending on the region, you may spend:

RegionAverage hourly rate for private yoga
West Coast


East Coast$89
Gulf Coast$71
Great Lakes $74

If you live on the West Coast, you will spend the most in California and Washington, where hourly charges are between $80 and $114.

For the East Coast, you would spend more if you live in New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and South Carolina. Private yoga classes range between $100 and $125 per hour. 

If you live in the Gulf Coast and Great Lakes, you will spend the lowest ($50 to $65) in parts of Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan.

As for the Midwest, you may spend between $60 and $95 per hour in most states, including Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.

How much do yoga instructors charge per hour in the UK?

In the UK, a private yoga class may cost you $37 per hour. Beginner yoga instructors charge £15+ per hour, while a fully accredited yoga instructor with 200RYT or more will charge £40+ per hour.

You could also save up to 20% per hour session with private online yoga instead of in-person training.

How much do yoga instructors charge per hour in Australia?

In Australia, a private yoga lesson may cost you A$31 per hour. If you want to be trained by an accredited private yoga teacher, you may spend between A$ 74.08 and A$120 per hour. 

You may spend more in some cities than in others:

Major CityAverage hourly rate (AUD) for private yoga


Beginner instructor: $30

Accredited instructor: $60



Beginner instructor: $20

Certified instructor: $50


How much should you pay for a private yoga class?

It depends. Five factors come into play when a private yoga instructor quotes your rate:

1. Instructor’s training and experience

You may spend 20% to 30% less (than the industry average) with a beginner yoga teacher.

If you prefer an advanced yoga teacher for private yoga, you may need to spend (2X) more than the industry average.

In Melbourne and Adelaide, Australia, the industry average is A$43 per hour. But, you can find a beginner yoga charging A$30 per hour for private classes.

For an accredited master yoga instructor, you would spend A$80 per hour for a private class.

In the UK, you can find a beginner yoga teacher charging between £15 and £20 an hour, although the industry average is £37 an hour for private yoga. If you want a master yogi, you may pay £50 per hour for a private class.

In the US, advanced yoga teachers with 500+ hours of training, the highest certification level, charge upwards of $75. Those with specialized skills such as prenatal yoga, anatomy, meditation, and trauma-informed yoga will cost between $150 and $185 per hour, depending on the location.

2. Your location and distance from the instructor

In the US, private yoga classes cost 20% to 50% more on the East Coast than on the West Coast. 

You may spend $50 per hour in Anchorage, Alaska, compared to $109.3 per hour in Stamford, Connecticut.

Plus, you’re likely to pay more in certain cities and urban areas with little competition for yoga services. For instance, the hourly rate for private yoga in Seattle is $60, while in Los Angeles, it is $38. The lower rate in LA is because of high competition among yoga instructors.

In Sydney, you would pay A$74.08 per hour, while a similar service in Adelaide and Melbourne would cost A$43 per hour.

Case in point, relaxation yoga costs A$56 an hour in New South Wales, A$44 in Queensland, A$42 in Western Australia, and A$45 in Victoria.

Also, any travel from the instructor’s location to your premises will cost you a minimum of 10% of the hourly rate. Some yoga instructors may charge a weekend fee (15% or 20%) above their hourly rate.

So for a $50/hour class, you may have to pay an additional $5 per trip for commute costs plus a $7.5-weekend fee (on the lower end). 

3. Type of yoga class

Special yoga classes such as prenatal yoga, trauma-induced yoga, and kids yoga classes are twice as expensive. Even then, the final price depends on the trainer’s experience, training hours, and location. 

For instance, prenatal yoga by a 200RYT trainer and a 300RYT trainer could cost $50 per hour and $80 per hour, respectively.

There’s a slight variation in price between yoga types such as Bikram, Hatha flow, yin yoga, and vinyasa. In most cases, the prices differ by $5 to $10. 

Here’s an example from New South Wales (Australia):

Type of yogaAverage hourly rate (AUD)

Hatha yoga

Vinyasa yoga

Ashtanga yoga

Yin yoga





4. Mode of teaching (virtual or in-person)

Virtual private lessons can save you 15% on yoga fees. The actual cost of a virtual class depends on the duration and the trainer’s credentials. 

In Australia, a private online class ranges between A$30 and A$45. You can reduce this by 20% if you buy monthly memberships of A$20 per hour.

Your instructor may train you virtually via: 

  • Google Hangout
  • Skype
  • Zoom
  • Telephone
  • Discord

If you prefer to attend in-person training, a freelance yoga instructor could save you up to 40% of the total fees. Freelance yoga instructors are cheaper since they do not incur high overheads like their studio-based counterparts.

5. Bulk payment

Some personal yoga trainers give discounted packages of 10% to 15% if you pay for multiple sessions at once. 

Here’s a rate card for a £50/hour accredited yoga instructor on Superprof:

Bulk payment - private yoga class

You would save £25 on the 5-hour package from this rate card and £50 on the 10-hour package. That’s £5 per 1-hour class.

What’s typically included in a private yoga lesson?

Your instructor will take you through a customized program that matches your goals and needs in a private yoga lesson. This customized training takes into account your mobility, preferences, experience, and medical history (injuries and pre-existing conditions)

Most times, your yoga instructor gets these details during the introductory phone call. Some perform body mapping and scanning to understand how your body feels.

Your biodata helps the instructor prepare a routine that enables you to get the most out of your sessions. The routine may be physical only or incorporate spiritual approaches for stress management.

Your first private yoga session is a chance to know the yoga instructor, understand their teaching methods, and set expectations for future sessions. 

It’s also an opportunity to ask about different yoga types and choose your preference. Find your yoga style in our ultimate guide here.

With private sessions, you can expect:

1. Undivided attention from the yoga instructor

No more struggling to get the instructor’s attention in an overcrowded studio. You have the instructor’s focus, time, and energy in private classes.

They will guide you through the poses, adjust the pace and check your form. This means you’re more likely to deepen your yoga skills faster than if you were in a group setting. 

2. Lower chances of injury

A personal yoga instructor is more likely to spot wrong techniques and correct you in time. They will also set the right pace based on your skill level. 

With their complete attention, you won’t have to worry about doing advanced poses unmonitored.

3. Greater sense of freedom

You own your pace and yoga style. You won’t feel like you’re competing or comparing your progress with anyone else. 

This freedom helps you take time to ease into the poses and learn proper techniques with the instructor’s guidance.

4. Greater control over the practice space

You can set the ambiance, light incense, and mood lighting. If you want, you can bring your music player and essential oils.

5. Support in navigating challenges

Personal yoga trainers invest in your progress and help you navigate challenging poses and routines. Because they’re so invested in your growth, they change up your routines every so often.

Does the price change if I'm doing yoga with a friend or my partner?

Here’s a breakdown of individual and buddy rates for a London-based instructor on Superprof:

  • £50 for individual, 1-on-1 classes in London
  • £30 for virtual private lessons
  • £35 p.p. for 2-on-2a classes in London

A yoga partner would save you £15 per class. Spread over 20 lessons, you would have saved £300. That’s £2,340 in savings in one year (3 x 1hr classes X 52 weeks)!

You may request your private yoga teacher for a buddy rate (also called semi-private rate in the UK) or a private group rate. S/he could be open to negotiating if you and your partner pre-pay your classes in bulk.

How can I find a private yoga instructor near me?

You can find yoga instructors through:

  • Directories such as Thumbtack (US) and Yoga Alliance directory
  • Google search
  • Facebook groups
  • LinkedIn
  • Asking your yoga teacher if they offer private lessons


If you’re in the US, use Thumbtack. It is free to use and allows you to compare prices side-by-side.

How to use Thumbtack:

How to use Thumbtack:

Enter your zip code, yoga type, goals (meditation, fitness, flexibility, injury management, or relaxation), and skill level (none, beginner, intermediate or advanced).

Thumbtack filters the database using your details and shows you available private yoga instructors in your area. You’ll also see their reviews, profile, and hourly rate.

US residents can also use Superprof (US). It’s not as robust as Thumbtack, but you can filter the results by city, skill level, and yoga type. 

If you’re in Australia, you may use the Superprof (Australia) directory and read this article: The Top Rated Yoga Classes In Australia.

For UK residents, you can use the Superprof (UK) directory.

You may also try

In the search bar, type ‘private yoga instructor’ + [your location]

For instance, ‘private yoga instructor’ + ‘miami’ will display:

private yoga instructor miami

You can do the same on the Google maps search bar.

Facebook groups

In your Facebook search bar, type the phrase ‘private yoga instructor’ + ‘[your location].’


‘private yoga instructor London.’

facebook groups yoga teacher


In the search bar, type ‘private yoga instructor’ + ‘[your location].’

Ask your yoga teacher

You may ask your yoga teacher if they offer private lessons or referrals to a private yoga teacher. 

You could also check yoga studios in your area and request private yoga classes. 

Lastly, you could ask friends or family for referrals. They may know a yoga teacher who offers private classes.


From our research, you could spend between $70 and $95 per hour in the US, A$43 per hour in Australia, and £37 per hour in the UK for private yoga classes.

Depending on your location, yoga type, teaching mode, package, and instructor’s credentials (experience and training hours), you may spend more or less.

You can find private yoga instructors from online directories, Google searches, Facebook groups, LinkedIn, and asking others.

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