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Find Out How Yoga Helps Her When She Was Lost & Confused

I started yoga one and half year ago, exactly when I was so lost and confused about my future and my career.

Since the first day of my yoga class, I understood that there is something special about yoga for me because the feeling which I had after every time of practice was so unique and extraordinary. It really helped me to know my body better, become more connected with it and be aware of its limitations.

Finally, I came to this conclusion that this is the way I want to persuade in my life and I would like to show this shining and magical way to more people and tell them that yoga will help us to empower many aspects of our lives even when we don’t expect it.

Practicing yoga helped me in empowering my life and the best is it helped me in knowing my strengths and limitations.

nanzanin yogi story
 📷 Nazanin, @nazanin_sarkheil

If me, then anyone can achieve self-love just by practicing its first lesson PATIENCE.

(Nazanin Yogi Story from Tehran, Iran 🇮🇷 )

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