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What to Expect from Attending a Yoga Retreat Alone?

A few days ago I attended my first ever yoga retreat alone in Costa Rica. 

In fact, it was my first trip alone, and to say I was terrified and intimidated would be an understatement… 

But I took up the challenge and I can definitely tell you that it was such a great experience for unwinding, leaving all of my everyday stresses behind, and much more. 

By attending a yoga retreat alone, you can expect to have the time of your life, try new things, and meet a bunch of like-minded people if that’s what you are after; all, while relaxing and destressing. 

In fact, I think it’s safe to say that attending a yoga retreat alone might actually be better than going with someone you already know…

With that in mind, here are a few things that you should expect from this experience. Go!

1. You may feel scared, and It’s okay!

I know solo travelling it may seems scary… 

For many people, traveling alone can create some anxiety.

Chances are, there are other people who are attending the retreat alone and are going through many of the same gamut of emotions as you are. 

It’s ok to be scared and a little intimidated, especially if you’ve never attended a retreat before, give yourself a pat on the back for showing up even while feeling these emotions.

The great thing about yoga retreats is that before the end of the first day you’ll forget about your fears and trepidations. 

Yoga retreats are a place where you can feel as if you are part of a community and you will meet many new friends in a short period of time, (if this is what you are looking for).

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

2. You will meet amazing people! (if you want to)

The idea of attending a yoga retreat alone can be daunting for some, who worry about not meeting anyone and feeling alone, whereas others are looking to spend time by themselves. 

Well, you need to know that in a yoga retreat you can be as sociable as you want.

You can meet incredible individuals from all walks of life

Those hosting the retreat will welcome you with open arms and soon you and the other attendees will feel very comfortable. 

By attending alone, you will be more open to mingling with others who are attending the retreat as well.

This will give you a much better chance of really getting to know the others.

There are several benefits to meeting new people at a yoga retreat:

  • You will get to chat with others who have similar interests as you 
  • You can learn new ways/perspective to possibly deal with problems you’re having 
  • And of course, you can learn more about yoga

On the flip side, you may be able to offer some of the same anecdotes to someone else who is alone and a little weary as they may not know anyone either, and they may know even less about yoga than you do…

What to Expect from Attending a Yoga Retreat Alone?

You can also spend time alone

As I said, a yoga retreat is also the perfect getaway to do what you want and spend time with yourself. 

You have the freedom to dedicate part of your retreat to concentrate on what’s most important to you – to unwind and focus on THE REAL YOU.

You can interact with others as you like. It’s up to you to choose how many you want to socialize.

Everyone is on their own journey. 

3. You will have new and exciting experiences!

Obviously, there will be yoga at these retreats but it’s not as if you will be doing yoga all day every day!

There are several different activities that go on at yoga retreats, besides yoga, and each retreat will be a little different.

👉 Learn how to choose a yoga retreat in this article.

Yoga retreats are a great opportunity to try new things and meet new people. 

This is why attending them as a solo traveler can be more beneficial than going with someone you know, as you’re more likely to be open to new opportunities.

Some of the new things that you may encounter at different retreats are:

❯ Trying new and exotic food

You will learn how to eat to properly fuel your body, and even if you’ve been to a yoga retreat before, you’ll probably learn some new healthy recipes to try back at home.

❯ Discovering new places

Generally, you have to go somewhere other than where you live to attend a yoga retreat.

Taking the opportunity to explore when given the chance, can be one of the most rewarding experiences a yoga retreat can offer.

❯ Trying new activities

Depending on where your yoga retreat is, you may be able to try some new activities such as surfing or paddle-boarding, participating in cultural events, or hiking on beautiful trails.

❯ Becoming more self-aware

You may not have been exposed to self-awareness previously and the inward-looking could be a new opportunity for you, especially without distractions.

4. You will unwind and Relax

One of the main purposes of yoga retreats is to calm your mind and relax your body. 

There will be time for downtime so that you can have an opportunity to just chill, instead of going non-stop while at the retreat.

There are several things that you can do during your relaxation time, from reading a book in a hammock, to napping, to taking a walk along the beach.

Again, each retreat will be different and what you’re able to do for downtime could change between locations.

Relaxation is another one of the activities that will probably go better if you are attending the yoga retreat alone.

You will more than likely be able to concentrate solely on yourself, finding what works for you.

If you attend a retreat with someone else, then chances are you’ll want to stick with them, and their idea of calming may differ from yours, but you may still go along with it.

Yoga retreats are a great opportunity to unplug from the outside world.

Leave work for others to deal with or wait for your return to the office.

Let your family know that you are taking time for yourself and that they will need to figure things out without you.

yoga retreat alone

5. You will have dedicated time to focus on your yoga practice

Of course, we can’t talk about yoga retreats without talking about yoga.

One thing you will learn by attending a yoga retreat is that yoga is so much more than just a sport or exercise routine.

Yoga is many things to different people and each person’s experience is different and can be extremely personal.

You may find personal freedom that you didn’t even know you were looking for or needed.

With the increase in classes at a yoga retreat, you are bound to learn something new, whether it’s about a move or yourself.

In addition, your body will see some changes due to the increased physicality of the retreat.

Be ready for some aches and pains, especially if this is your first yoga retreat, or you are more of a casual practitioner of yoga.

This is to be expected and there’s a very good chance that you will not be the only one feeling this way.

It’s moments like this that reaching out to your new community could be beneficial, someone may be able to suggest some remedies for decreasing the pain, whether it is in severity or length.

Or you may be able to offer some relief to someone else.

“Loving life is easy when you are abroad. Where no one knows you and you hold your life in your hands all alone, you are more master of yourself than at any other time.” – Hannah Arendt

Final thoughts

It is completely normal to feel scared and timid if you are attending a yoga retreat alone and these feelings occur whether this is your first or fifth yoga retreat.

Attending a yoga retreat alone has so many more benefits than attending with someone you know.

Chances are you will be more open to the community you are with, interacting with new people more if this is what you are looking for, and being more open yourself. 

In addition, you have a better chance of doing what’s best for you, and that is the whole purpose of the yoga retreat.

There will be plenty of activities, outside of yoga, that will help keep you entertained while you’re attending the retreat. Take advantage of all the new opportunities you will be exposed to.

Between the new people, places, food, and activities, once you’re there for a short time, the fact that you are alone won’t come to mind anymore. 

So, what are you going to expect while attending a yoga retreat alone?

A fantastic, eye-opening experience that will have you excited to book your next retreat, and a new renewal of your mind, body, and soul.