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Questions to Ask Yourself if You Plan on Attending a Yoga Teacher Training

If you are feeling called to do a yoga teacher training (YTT), this article will make that journey easier for you. 

5 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Plan on Attending a Yoga Teacher Training

In this article, we talk about what a yoga teacher training is actually like, your relationship with yoga before you join the training, the level of physical preparation that you need, your library list, and other interesting and important teacher training related things.

To enlighten you a little and give you an idea of the 4 main styles of yoga that you can find, here is a small overview of the classes that I have already tested and what I thought of them.

9 Actionable steps to get ready for a YTT

These are some cool ideas you can take into account when preparing for a yoga teacher training.

Keep in mind this is a flexible process and you shouldn’t take these guidelines exactly as described or as a ‘must do’ list, but instead, as a list of ideas you can adapt to your own journey however you see fit.

1. Set an intention

Know your expectations, have a clear goal in mind. 

2. Prepare your body 

Become acquainted with the basic yoga asanas (although, you don’t need yoga experience to participate, this can be very beneficial -more on this later)

3. Take a few yoga classes in the different styles of yoga

Get to know the different major yoga styles (Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin and Ashtanga) at least on a superficial level.

It’s fun and it also helps prep your body!

4. Set up a daily yoga routine 

(If you haven’t got one already) this one is also a great way to get your body acquainted with a daily yoga practice, especially helpful if you are doing intensive training -more on that later.

5. Do some research about the training center 

Know what to expect when it comes to your yoga center and your teachers. 

6. Connect with other ‘soon to be’ teachers 

It can be good to get in touch with other yoga teachers or ‘soon to be’ teachers via facebook, ask all the questions you have before and after the training.

7. Become acquainted with some of the yoga bibliography 

Definitely not necessary, but you can take a look at some of the most iconic yoga books like Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar, or Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. 

8. Pack everything you need

This is if you are doing a yoga teacher training overseas, make sure you have the right clothes for the destination you are visiting. 

Oh! and sometimes you’ll be required to purchase some books, a notebook or something else, make sure you check with your course organizer.

9. Be prepared to live through the challenges, if they arise

This is related to setting your intention. 

Attending a YTT is definitely a life changing experience, you won’t be the same person when you finish, be ready for a transformation.

What yoga experience do I need before attending a yoga teacher training?​

What yoga experience do I need before attending a yoga teacher training?

Technically, you can do yoga teacher training as a complete beginner

Does it matter if you have never been to a yoga class before? Well, yes it does.

While you do not need years of yoga to become a teacher, it is highly recommended that you try a few different styles of yoga before choosing a teacher training. 

This will do a few things. 

It will help you assess if yoga is something you actually enjoy. 

And because one style of yoga can be very different from another, it will help you understand the style that you most align with. 

Also, if there is some familiarity, your mind and body will both be more open to absorbing what they teach you in the program.  

How long should you do yoga before teacher training?

Preferably, for at least 3 months. 

A 3 month long consistent yoga practice will prepare your body for what lies ahead in a yoga teacher training. 

In this time, you will probably learn the basic asanas and be able to open your body.

You do not need knowledge or experience in the advanced asanas. There will be enough time for that. 

What you do need is an understanding of what yoga is about and how it engages the body and the mind. 

Do you need to prepare your body for the yoga teacher training? This comes next. 

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How to physically prepare for yoga teacher training?

There is only one way to physically prepare for yoga teacher training – building and maintaining a daily practice.

There is no shortcut to this step. 

Yoga teacher training is intensive. 

It takes a lot out of you physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

A daily practice will ensure that your body is prepared for advanced asanas. 

It will help you prevent any injuries from working with a body that is not warmed up and open.

A daily practice will also enable you to be ready for the grind. 

You will be reaping the rewards of what yoga can do for the body and mind, which translates to more energy, better immunity, increased focus, and a general sense of happiness and wellbeing. 


Do I need to be flexible to be a yoga instructor?

In short, no. 

A good yoga instructor is one who understands asanas. 

Your favorite yoga instructors will be the ones who best explain the asana, know how the body should be aligned and understand anatomy.

They will guide you on how to adapt to a pose if you have limitations or injuries, announce situations where certain yoga poses should be avoided, and help you connect to your body.

You’ll be shown the way on the path of yoga. 

One does not need to be flexible in the body for any of the above. A yoga instructor who is not flexible can always demonstrate the poses through a model who is flexible. 

What books should I read to prepare for a yoga teacher training?

During the course of your yoga teacher training, a lot of Sanskrit words will come up. 

There will be all the names of the asanas that you will have to learn the Sanskrit names for. 

There will also be the concepts that you study in yoga philosophy that will use words you have never heard before. 

You can go to teacher training without reading up. But if you want to make your time easier, it is highly recommended that you cover some ground. 

Another benefit of this will be that you will be able to absorb what they teach you in class much better. 

Other than the terms and terminology, some must read classics for those progressing on their journey of yoga are: 

  • Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar 
  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. 
What is an intensive YTT like (1 month)?​

What is an intensive YTT like (1 month)?

An intensive one month yoga teacher training is usually the 200 hour certification. 

The curriculum includes both theoretical and practical training in yoga. 

A typical program includes practical classes on yoga asanas where you can develop your personal practice as well as learn teaching methodologies. 

There is a focus on alignment and sequencing of asanas. 

There are classes on anatomy and physiology, which are important subjects to delve into if you are looking to become a yoga teacher. 

Other than this, the curriculum could include yoga philosophy, Pranayama (breathing exercises and techniques in yoga), meditation, and Ayurveda. 

There are assignments, group activities, presentations, and an examination at the end of the training. 

Because there is a lot to learn within the one month timeframe, most days are packed with classes. 

Your days are likely to begin early, going until evening. 

Most yoga teacher trainings have a residential facility available with all meals provided. 

Food is likely to be vegetarian.

What to expect at an intensive yoga teacher training?

An intensive yoga teacher training is physically and mentally demanding.

The routine can be unforgiving. 

You wake up quite early in the morning, rush to class, do yoga asanas at least a couple times in the day, spend the in-between time in classes studying theory, and by the time you are in bed, it really has been a full day.

And, if you are travelling to a different part of the world, India or Nepal for instance, the food can take some getting used to. 

On your days off, you might find yourself finishing assignments, studying, or learning Sanskrit words. 

On the plus side, expect to make some friends. 

The community and friendship that you can find by spending this time together often stays with you for life. 

Wondering how the one month intensive program is different from doing a continued program, which you can complete between 1 to 2 years? Here is how…

Differences with the continued program (1-2 years)

A continued program for yoga teacher training gives you the same number of hours of training as an intensive program. 

However, it is spread out over 1 to 2 years.

The program is designed in this way to enable working professionals or those with other commitments undertake the teacher training. 

This is the major difference between the one month intensive program and the continued program. 

The course curriculum remains the same. 

Other than this, the continued program helps to beat the intensity that comes with the one month program. 

The one month program, on the other hand, is a more immersive experience.

How to prepare for a yoga teacher training in India?​

How to prepare for a yoga teacher training in India?

A yoga teacher training is an intense experience. Add India to the mix, and it cannot get any more overwhelming. 

There are a few things one needs to prepare for and be prepared for when setting off to India. 

1. Prepare for the weather

Make sure you are carrying clothes that are suitable for the weather. Most parts of India experience all four seasons. Check the one or ones you will fall into. 

2. Pack accordingly to Indian culture

When packing, do pick clothes that spark joy but also choose modesty and simplicity. If the weather is expected to be hot and humid, avoid spandex at all costs.

3. Prepare yourself for indian food

It is a very different palate. You can check with the training center for more details on food. But expect to eat a lot of spices 

4. Carry footwear that is easy to slip in and out of

A lot of places in India, including your yoga teacher training center, could expect you to walk around barefoot. You cannot walk into temples with shoes on. 

5. Prepare for mosquitoes

Carry mosquito repellants, sunscreen, earplugs, and scarves. 

6. Beware of drinking tap water

At all costs, do not drink water out of a tap.

In closing

Yoga teacher training is a transformative experience. You come out changed. 

Almost always, for the better. 

If there are moments when you feel like giving up, tell yourself to take one day at a time. 

The overwhelm will slowly fade away.

For a more spiritual take on yoga teacher training and how to be a good yoga teacher, watch this video from one of India’s most followed spiritual gurus.