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What does it mean to have positive energy

and how to increase it!

Positive energy means being warm to you and others, irradiating good thoughts, and promoting a sense of well-being from within you to the environment surrounding you.

With some effort, you can harness this energy. The result would be a healthier mind and body, improved communication, and decreased anxiety.

Go through the article to understand the details of nurturing positive energy. We will discuss essential steps in the process, such as cultivating gratitude, blocking negative influences, establishing boundaries, having goals, and doing yoga.

We are going to look at what it is in detail. We will also explore what an energy field is, how the human energy field is measured, what an aura is, and whether or not you can transmit positive energy to someone.  

The energy that is productive and beneficial to you and others surrounding you is known as positive energy. It helps you feel confident and at peace and allows you to enjoy your life and enjoyably focus on your goals. 

What’s genuinely marvelous about positive energy is that it attracts even more positivity in your life. It brings about or reveals opportunities out there and helps you see things in a more receptive light.

Positive energy is what drives us to take charge of our lives and do good in this world. It helps keep negativity at bay and fills us with the strength we need to go forward. Positive energy also brings about some of the following changes in your life and attitude:

  • Positive outcomes
  • Improved health
  • Feelings of gratitude  
  • Motivation and creativity
  • High energy
  • The ability to keep negativity at bay 

How to increase the positive energy in your body

You can take practical steps to increase the positive energy in your body and environment actively. Let’s have a look at them: 

1. Nurture gratitude in your life

You might think that there is nothing special going on in your life to be thankful for. However, nurturing gratitude begins with small steps. It is a conscious step that has to be taken every day. 

Gratitude has been proven to have positive effects on human psychology, and it also acts as a barrier against depression and anxiety. 

To develop gratitude, think of anything good that has happened to you on any given day. For example, maybe you had a good night’s sleep or ate something nice for lunch. Actively thinking of good things around you develops feelings of gratitude. 

Another great way to do it is to journal the nice things that happen to you every day. It is a habit that you will need to work on and develop. With time, it becomes one’s second nature to notice and be grateful for all the good things in one’s life.

2. Establish healthy boundaries to protect yourself 

Healthy boundaries protect you. They stop people from taking any advantage of your kindness or empathy. Developing firm boundaries makes you let go of any hesitation to be open. 

When you know you can protect yourself, there is nothing to be afraid of, and you won’t shy away from being who you are in front of others. Your boundaries also protect you from negative people draining your energy.

Examples of doing this include turning down an invitation from someone who makes you feel uncomfortable, refusing to perform favors that aren’t possible for you, and being vocal and informing someone if they constantly speak over you. 

3. Be kind to yourself and others

Learn to be kind not only to others but also to yourself. Kindness tells you to let go of negative emotions and any grudges you hold. Kindness is an act that yields happiness, no matter who its recipient is.

The happiness that being kind brings you helps foster positive energy in your mind and body. With kindness, you put positivity on a loop, improve your physical and mental health, and strengthen your relationships. 

The best thing about kindness is that it takes simple steps, to begin with. For example, if you lose some money, instead of criticizing yourself, be kind and tell yourself that it is okay. Remind yourself that it is in the past. Instead of scolding yourself, try to formulate constructive steps to avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Kindness is a daily activity that you can practice. Small things like holding the door open for someone, giving your seat up in public transport to older adults, and volunteering are all examples of how you can be kind to others.

4. Form life goals to focus on

Goals help you focus. They give your life purpose, ground you, and help you grow. Plans help cut out negative thoughts because they occupy your time and mental space. 

The positivity generated from working on goals is palpable and inspires confidence. It shows others that your time is valuable and that you respect yourself. This attracts positive people towards you who respect your time and energy.

Goals don’t always have to be significant. You can work on daily goals as well. For example, diligently going to yoga practice or finishing a chapter of the book you’re reading are examples of small, daily goals. 

Smaller goals make it easier to work on your bigger life goals, such as becoming an avid reader or getting back in shape through yoga practice.

5. Practice yoga and meditate

You nurture positive energy by looking after your mental and physical health. 

Yoga is known to be a contributor to a person’s psychological well-being. It helps with developing mindfulness and stress release, and they are both components for increasing positive energy. 

Meditation is a helpful tool in improving concentration. Overall, there are several ways in which yoga and meditation will lead to an increase in positive energy, such as:

  • Better concentration
  • Mood improvement
  • Stress release
  • Release of endorphins
  • Pain reduction  
  • Improved posture, making you appear more composed and approachable.    

6. Block negative influences

People, things, or places that make you feel down suck out all of your positive energy. It can be both physically and mentally taxing to be in situations that drain you. 

It is best to separate yourself from people or things that take you to a dark place or paint a gloomy picture of everything. 

It might not seem like a big deal, but the mental battle can drain one of energy and make you feel physically tired as well.

What is an energy field?

Your energy field is the energy flow surrounding your body. It doesn’t remain limited to your physical form but extends beyond it, and it runs in harmony with the environment’s energy. When a person is sick, one’s energy goes down and vice versa.

Stress, fear, and other negative emotions influence your emotional and physical state, shrinking your energy. With positive emotions such as gratitude, love, and compassion, our energy field grows.

An energy field is vital and is creative, unpredictable, and dynamic. 

To create balance in an energy field, symmetry, flow, rhythm, and gentle vibes are required. The balance is created when the energy flows in both high and low frequencies. 

How is the human energy field measured?

The human energy field is an electro-dynamic field that varies according to a person’s health. Scientists and doctors can use a digital voltmeter or vacuum tube to measure the voltage difference. 

According to Harold Saxon Burr, the researcher who discovered this measurement method, diseases could be predicted and prevented based on the measurements.  

Today, we also know that apart from the heart, a person’s organs and tissues also produce magnetic pulsations. These are known as biomagnetic fields. 

Traditionally, electrical recordings such as electrocardiograms were used to measure the human energy field. However, magnetocardiography is complementing them now. So, along with electrical measurements, magnetic fields around the body are used to paint a more accurate picture of human physiology and the human energy field.

What is an Aura?

The energy that is generated around a person is known as their aura. It is a magnetic energy field that is useful in detecting human emotion and can be sensed or felt around a person.

In layman’s terms, it can be described as the ‘vibe’ you get from a person. Sometimes, you come across people who lift your mood merely through their existence. At other times, you might come across someone who puts you off because of their vibe or the energy they effuse.

Your aura is affected by the energy around you. For example, when a negative person is around, you might feel depressed. Similarly, the joy you feel around the people you love is also because of their aura and the positivity it brings you.

Can you send positive energy to someone?

We talked about how other people’s energy affects you. Some people might have a more substantial effect on you than others. 

In the same manner, you can give your energy to someone else. It takes commitment and intention, but it is entirely possible to transmit positive energy to others around you

How to give positive energy to someone

To be able to spread positive energy, try to focus on the positivity within you. One of the simplest ways to uplift others is to notice and point out their positive aspects. 

It is also helpful to stay present and concentrate on what someone is saying. Being present increases your energy, and subsequently, your environment’s energy, making that energy available around you.

While listening, ensure that your posture is open and welcoming. You can do this by facing the person you’re listening to, maintaining eye contact, and smiling at them. 

Smiling in itself is one of the biggest keys to emitting positive energy. It also helps to wear bright colors, especially if you feel like your mood is down. The vibrance flatters you and attracts other people to you by giving you a natural glow.


Positive energy might seem like a far-off goal, but it doesn’t have to be. The benefits of nurturing it are plenty. 

As we discussed already, there are a lot of practical steps that can help you enhance it. Just like yawns, positive energy is contagious and spreads to others around you. 

The aura you develop by actively seeking out positive energy draws like-minded, positive people into your life. Such people further help build you up. 

Remember, whatever positive energy you send out in the universe comes back to you with even more force, forming a loop of positive feedback that constantly surrounds your life.