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What is Vibrational Sound Therapy

One of the first methods of natural healing is sound. 

Pure and gentle sound vibrations are known to provide deep relaxation for both the mind and body.

Vibrational sound therapy makes the mind and body quickly reach a deep state of relaxation. In this type of therapy, the bowls, specifically engineered to provide long-lasting vibrations, are placed around or directly on the body. These vibrations guide the mind to a deep meditative state resulting in the relaxation of both body and mind.  

Although this can be an effective path to relaxing yourself, it might not work effectively for you under certain conditions.

This article explains how sound baths can be beneficial and what side effects can be expected from this therapy type. 

We will also discuss under which conditions this therapy can be dangerous for you and how long your sessions should last to be effective.

A sound bath is used to manage anxiety, soothe the nervous system, and block all the thoughts and ideas out of your consciousness.

In a sound bath, the vibrations are used to change your mind’s normal state into a relaxed state and even into a restorative state. As the mind and body reach those states, the blood pressure and heart rate decrease, and breathing become more profound, leading to a deeper mind and physical healing.

The music used in this therapy doesn’t have a familiar melody or rhythmic sound. Still, it is a carefully selected sound with particular resonance and overtones, which helps change the states of mind.

What can I expect from a sound bath?

While taking a sound bath, your mind and body will feel different sensations. There can be different feelings, and you might feel ecstatic or even sad in some cases. 

In this therapy, you will be asked to lay in a reclined position. The practitioner will use different instruments to create vibrations around your body, leading to a state of relaxation and contemplation. Various types of tools are used for this process, including bells, gongs, and crystal bowls. 

Different people have different experiences while taking a sound bath. Some will feel relaxed, and others will experience emotional release during the session. In this state, you need to be open and let all your deep-rooted emotions go away. You might sleep or even start crying during the session, but whatever you feel will benefit you.

What can I expect after a sound bath?  

After taking you through many different emotions and feelings, the sound bath will make you feel calm both mentally and physically. 

When the session ends, your practitioner will bring you back to reality using different breathing exercises.

You will significantly reduce all the negative moods, tension, and anxiety. There will be an improvement in heart health, distressed mood, tension, and anger. 

However, while your body will be subconsciously healing, you need to take great care of yourself. After a sound bath, it is better to rest, eat light meals, drink lots of fluids and sleep early for fast healing.

What are the benefits of sound bath meditation healing?

Many studies have been done on the benefits of the sound bath, which showed many positive effects on mental health and physical pain. 

1. Boosts mental health

According to research, sound baths can significantly help to treat mental health issues. 

Sound creates a state of harmony in the listener and clears all the thoughts from the mind. Besides relaxation, it also increases the sense of wellbeing and expands awareness. 

2. It releases anxiety and stress

Sound bath significantly helps to release anxiety and stress. During this therapy, your mind enters a deep meditative state which cleanses and heals your mind removing all the negative thoughts. 

3. Helps to find inner peace

A sound bath creates a completely safe and relaxed space that helps you quickly reconnect with your mind. 

It helps you find your inner peace and expands your consciousness. This method is also helpful for controlling cognitive responses in preoperative patients. 

4. Physical Healing

Some sound bath practitioners argue that besides mental health, the sound bath also helps in physical healing, which was also proved by research made in 2020. The physical benefits include:

  • Removal of toxins
  • Reduction in pain
  • Better sleep
  • Controlled blood pressure

5. Strengthens the immune system

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor is a late oncologist. He explained that sound could boost the immune system during an interview with New York Times. 

Listening to specific vibrations of sound alone can boost your immune system thanks to an increase in the production of specific immune cells.

Are sound baths dangerous?

There is no such research showing that sound baths are dangerous or have any side effects on the body or mind.

However, if you’re prone to headaches, try placing the singing bowls far from your body, and with time you’ll get used to them.

As this sound therapy unlocks emotions from your consciousness that may be deeply rooted, it might cause sadness or strong emotions. Your practitioner will help you get stable by doing different breathing exercises, and you will start healing and feeling relaxed within a few minutes. 

These strong emotions will begin to soothe as you progress in your practice and get habituated to this therapy.

Are sound baths safe during pregnancy?

Sound baths can be practiced during pregnancy. Since the vibrations used in the therapy are weak, they won’t pose any type of danger to the baby or the mother. Doing sound therapy during pregnancy will be good for both mother and baby because listening to sound will improve the mother’s sleep, increase energy levels and reduce stress. 

However, during the session, the mother may feel some strong emotions and feelings that will impact the child. Therefore, those who have never tried a sound bath before should take some precautions when attempting a sound bath during the first weeks of pregnancy: 

  • Avoiding strong vibrations, 
  • Keeping the duration of the session below 30 minutes
  • And trying to keep the singing bowls at a reasonable distance from the body (at the beginning)

But if you are already prone to this therapy, you don’t need to take these precautions. 

In which instances should you avoid a sound bath?

Sound baths don’t have any side effects on the body.  However, there are certain conditions in which avoiding a sound bath is better.

  • If you are allergic to metal. The singing bowls used in this therapy are made of metal. Therefore, people who are allergic to metals should avoid touching these metal singing bowls to their bodies.
  • If you have epilepsy. People with epilepsy should also avoid sound baths. As in some cases, the vibrations and music can cause seizures. 

If you are in your first weeks of pregnancy. Although the sound bath is considered safe for pregnant women, it is better to avoid them in the early weeks of pregnancy. As in the early weeks of pregnancy, your body is weak. Exposing it to strong vibrations can cause a risk of premature birth and low birth weight. It will be safer to enjoy your sound therapy in the last weeks of your pregnancy.

How often should you do a sound bath?

If you are a first-timer, then four sessions 1-2 weeks apart are will make your body get prone to this therapy and enjoy its benefits at a progressive pace. 

Once you get used to this therapy, even a single session will have powerful and significant effects on you. Taking one to two sessions a month will be enough for you. 

If you are going through some challenges or any emotional stress, then taking one session every week is highly recommended.


Vibrational sound therapy is a great way to enter a deep meditative state of mind. While relaxing your mind, this therapy also provides excellent health benefits to your body.

With only benefits and no demonstrated side effects, a sound bath is a great way to heal your body from any sort of stress and anxiety.

Anyone can practice this sound healing therapy except for a few cases mentioned above.