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What is Pranic Healing, What is it Good For, and How to Use it?

The word pranic comes from the Sanskrit word prana, which means life force, or vital energy, or chi as it is known in traditional Chinese culture. 

Pranic healing works with the energy of a person for achieving wellness. It is good for healing physical and mental health issues, improving relationships, increasing prosperity, gaining a state of optimum health, and developing a spiritual connection with the divine. 

Despite its growing popularity, there are still many questions about what pranic healing is, what it is good for, and how to use it.

This article covers just that and we also share how pranic healing can be used for healing specific issues, its difference with reiki, and the ins and outs of distance pranic healing.

Pranic healing works with the chi or the energy body, which can be used to boost our natural healing potential and is based on the principle that the body has the innate power to heal itself. 

The energy body reflects our physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. 

A pranic healer works on this energy field using three steps: 

  1. Scans the energy field for any imbalances or abnormalities,
  2. Removes negative or stagnant energy, 
  3. And replenishes it with vital energy.  

Healers use their hands, colors, and/or crystals for healing, and make use of energy from the three natural sources of prana or energy, which are the sun, air, and the earth (not their own energy).

They work on the 11 main chakras in the body, which are considered to be the areas where energy accumulates in the body. 

In a typical session, the healer and the receiver are in a silent room, where the receiver is asked to be open to receiving the healing, and to be either in a sitting or lying down position.

Let us now look at the history of pranic healing and how it originated.

Where does pranic healing come from?

Pranic healing was founded by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui in 1989 in the Philippines, after decades of experimentation and research on ancient and new techniques of energy healing from different parts of the world. 

He worked with clairvoyants who could report to him about the energy or aura that they could see in patients and what was happening to it with the techniques they were experimenting with. 

Through his work, he created simple techniques that could be accessible to everyone and were easy to understand and practice in daily life. 

He created a no-touch healing practice that could be used to open the channels of energy so the body can self-heal. 

Pranic healing that we know today has been derived from modalities like yoga, healing, mysticism, and psychic abilities. 

It is now practiced by hundreds of thousands of people across 150 countries. 

Wondering about the uses of pranic healing? Keep on reading…

pranic healing

What is pranic healing used for?

Pranic healing is used for several purposes, not just for physical, mental, and emotional health, but also for our existence as a whole in terms of our relationship with others and the self. 

Pranic healing is used for…

1. Overcoming physical, mental, and emotional disorders and diseases 

Whether these are issues with the physical body, including chronic and acute health conditions, with the mental and emotional body (ex: depression or anxiety), pranic healing can help overcome any form of dis-ease. 

The time and number of sessions that it would take would depend upon the intensity of the issue. 

2. Finding forgiveness towards self and others

Through pranic healing meditations and working on the heart chakra, it becomes possible and easier to find forgiveness towards the self and others.

Pranic healing also uses a form of loving-kindness meditation to open the heart and make it more receptive towards peace and love. 

3. Making peace with the past

Pranic healing can help deal with repressed and painful memories and emotions. 

By working on the energy body where the effects of a difficult past are being manifested, it becomes possible to soothe the anger, hurt, and grief.  

4. Improving personal relationships 

Relationship healing is something that is also possible through pranic healing. 

A healer works on the energies of both people involved so they can come to a space of better understanding and openness. 

5. Achieving a state of wellbeing 

Pranic healing not only helps to overcome issues, but it is also used to achieve and maintain a state of wellbeing and overall health. 

6. Achieving specific goals 

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui laid emphasis on the setting of goals for all four areas of life – financial, relationship. self-development, and spiritual. 

Pranic healing techniques like meditation, service, and cleansing, all help to build focus, develop our spiritual strength, and by doing that, lead us towards achieving our goals. 

7. Improved self-esteem

Self-love is important in pranic healing as it leads to spiritual development. 

By working on the throat chakra to boost confidence and improve communication, and on the solar plexus chakra to feel more in control of one’s own life, pranic healing can greatly improve self-esteem. 

8. Finding abundance and prosperity

Pranic healing, unlike some other practices, recognizes abundance and prosperity as positive and important.

It helps to strengthen the chakras that help connect with the abundance in the universe. 

Through meditations and the law of karma, it helps attract greater abundance and prosperity into one’s life. 

9. Achieving material success

Pranic healing helps build a positive relationship with money. 

By working on the lower chakras, which are the centers for stability, comfort, and productivity, pranic healing positively affects one’s ability to make money. 

10. Connecting with our higher selves 

There are trainings available in pranic healing for achieving oneness with the higher soul. 

These help in deepening the connection with one’s higher self and enable the development of a closer connection with the self as well as with others. 

11. Protecting ourselves from negative energy

Pranic healing strengthens the energy body so that it is not impacted by negative outside energy influences free-flowing. 

The protection from negative energy helps the physical, mental, and emotional bodies to maintain their state of wellbeing. 

12. Reducing stress and anxiety levels 

One of the main ways pranic healing helps reduce stress and anxiety levels is through breathing techniques. 

The other way is through meditations, specifically the meditation on Twin Hearts, which helps enhance the aura and open the heart to love and peace. 

Let us now take a few cases of common issues and see how pranic healing addresses them… 

Pranic healing protocol for menstrual pain

The protocol for healing chronic and acute menstrual pain through pranic healing is as follows:

  1. Cleanse Sex chakra and give it energy
  2. Cleanse Basic chakra and give it energy
  3. Cleanse Navel chakra and give it energy
  4. Cleanse the area where there is pain and give it energy 
  5. Secure the energy 
  6. Release

Can pranic healing be done during periods?

Pranic healing is safe to be done during periods as it works only on the energy body. 

pranic healing

Pranic healing protocol for PCOS

The protocol for healing PCOS through pranic healing is as follows:

  1. Start by scanning all the chakras
  2. Practice general cleansing once or twice 
  3. Cleanse Sex chakra and give it energy
  4. Cleanse Basic chakra and give it energy
  5. Cleanse Perineum chakra and give it energy
  6. Cleanse Navel chakra and give it energy
  7. Cleanse Ajna chakra and give it gentle energy
  8. Cleanse front Solar plexus chakra and give it energy
  9. Cleanse back Solar plexus chakra and give it energy
  10. Cleanse the area where there is pain and give it energy 
  11. If any other chakras are imbalanced, treat them too
  12. Secure the energy 
  13. Release

Pranic healing protocol for constipation

The protocol for healing constipation through pranic healing is as follows:

  1. Cleanse front Solar plexus chakra and give it energy
  2. Cleanse back Solar plexus chakra and give it energy
  3. Cleanse Navel chakra and give it energy
  4. Cleanse the intestine area and the whole belly and give it energy 
  5. Secure the energy 
  6. Release

What are the differences between pranic healing and reiki?

While both pranic healing and reiki work on the energy body for healing, there are clear differences between the two. 

1. They follow different healing techniques

While pranic healing uses the energy that is available in the universe – from the sun, air, and earth, and channelizes that energy into a person, reiki focuses on attuning into the receiver and thus changing negative energy into positive energy

2. They focus on different energy flows 

Pranic healing uses the awareness of the chakras to cleanse the energy and infuse new, positive energy. 

In reiki, the flow of energy is not directed towards any specific direction; it is free flowing energy. 

3. They have different modalities for touch and no-touch

There is no physical touch that happens in pranic healing. 

Reiki, however, can involve both touch or no-touch. When the receiver is physically present, a reiki healer will use light touch. When the receiver is distant, reiki can heal without touch. 

4. The fine print for both is different 

In pranic healing, there are specific guidelines to be followed for the healing and for finishing the healing. 

A cleansing of the healer’s energetic field is required and important as the healer is channeling energy through the hands and in the process, can collect negative energy, which can be harmful. 

In reiki, there are no such rules and it is considered absolutely safe for the healer.

Is there scientific evidence behind pranic healing?

There is scientific evidence that proves the existence of the energy field of a person and its relationship with physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. 

While there is no scientific proof yet on the existence of chakras or energy centers in the body, the positive psychological effects of pranic healing have been confirmed by neuroscientists and psychologists.

Through a process called Kirlian photography, which is an ultra-sensitive photographic process, a Russian scientist named Semyon Kirlian captured the energy bodies of humans, animals, and plants. 

These were shown as colorful, radiant fields. 

His experiments also showed that physical diseases first showed themselves in the energy body before they were felt in the physical body. 

The energy field of a person can be broken, torn, with holes, and smaller, if any issues are present.

In someone who is energetically healthy, the energy body shows as a smooth multicolored aura surrounding the body of the person.

What is a pranic healing meditation?

What is a pranic healing meditation?

Pranic healing meditations are meditation practices meant to empower practitioners to release stress, find love and compassion, and connect to the higher self.

Pranic healing offers a variety of meditations and believes that it is through meditation that practitioners can achieve a complete transformation of their energy bodies.

Some of the meditations practiced in pranic healing are: 

  • The Twin Heart meditation for connecting with the higher soul to seek its guidance.
  • Full Moon meditation when the energies of the universe are more easily accessible.
  • Arhat Yoga for the empowerment of the soul.
  • Super Brain Yoga to enhance mindfulness and increase focus.
  • Forgiveness meditation to be able to forgive the self, seek forgiveness, and find forgiveness for others.

What is pranic healing therapy?

Pranic healing therapy is a form of therapy that uses the pranic healing protocols, along with other related techniques like meditation, to treat a particular disorder or disease in a patient.

Pranic healing therapy is usually used in conjunction with conventional forms of medicine. 

A healer will typically start by speaking with the patient and understanding their issues. 

They will then create a plan, which would usually include multiple sessions of healing and will teach the patient meditations to empower them to achieve both mental and spiritual strength.

What is distance pranic healing?

Distance pranic healing, as the name suggests, is energy healing executed by a healer that is not in the same place as the receiver. 

It is not important for the healer and the receiver to be in the same place. 

Pranic healing can take place despite distance, as it is believed that since energy has the power to travel, it can be released from and sent to people who are in distant locations one from another. 

Physical contact is not needed anyways when doing pranic healing because the healer is working only with the energy body. 

Does distance pranic healing work?

Distance pranic healing works as well as in-person sessions.

The healer creates a mental picture of the patient and scans the energy of the chakras through that visualization. 

Through this same technique, the healer cleanses the chakras and infuses them with new energy.

In effect, there is no difference between distance pranic healing and in-person healing, as there is no physical contact between the healer and the receiver anyways.


Pranic healing has a host of benefits and is a safe healing technique. 

It can be practiced by anyone who wants to improve their health or maintain a state of happiness and wellbeing. 

Some of the techniques of pranic healing like the meditations and breathing exercises can be practiced every day, while cleansing and energizing chakras as and when needed. 

The official website of pranic healing has a directory of authorized instructors and healing centers if you are looking for a healer or a teacher.

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