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What is Reki?

Reiki makes it possible to call upon the inherent natural resources that each person possesses within themselves. In this article, learn more about its benefits, how does it work, its principles, and more.

Two years ago, I was going through a difficult period in my professional life, and I was about to become a mother for the second time. 

I never imagined for a second that a few months later I would live such an intense experience, leading me on the path of spirituality. 

Training myself in reiki has changed my life. 

Today, I would like to share my knowledge with you and tell you more about what reiki is and its benefits.

Reiki is a holistic energy healing therapy, accessible to all, which was developed by the Japanese Mikao Usui at the end of the 19th century. “REI” means Spirit, and “KI” means Energy. It is a personal development tool to increase one’s strength of mind and to harmonize body and mind. The vital energy is transmitted through Reiki. It acts on an emotional, physical, psychic, and spiritual level. 

In this article, We’ll dive deep into all of the reiki benefits, its core principles, how does it work, and the difference between reiki and magnetism.

Lets’ dive in!

“If Reiki could spread throughout the world, it would touch the human heart and the mentalities of society. It would be a precious help for many of us, healing not only diseases but also the Earth as a whole”. – Mikao Usui 

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki contributes to better health and provides instant well-being. 

You can receive a session in order to relieve certain physical ailments, sleep disorders, anxiety, etc…

Of course, it does not replace medical treatment but often amplifies its beneficial effects, while the body eliminates the associated harmful products.

It can also be practiced on plants, animals, situations, thus bringing energy where it is needed, at any time, in any place, and this all our lives, without any particular effort.

How does Reiki work?​

How does Reiki work?

Reiki is a form of energy transmission

I have received initiations of energy transmissions from a Reiki master. 

Without this step, the practice of Reiki cannot be done.

The Reiki energy penetrates through the top of my skull and spreads to the higher energy centers, more commonly called Chakras

The energy leaves my body through my hands.

Being vibratory therapeutic energy, this method cannot be harmful. 

There cannot be “too much Reiki”, as this energy adjusts to the needs of the person being treated and restores the natural balance of the body.

You can also decide to train yourself to be autonomous and do Reiki to yourself, or to do it around you. 

When we give a session, we receive a little Reiki ourselves, the more we give, the more we receive!

Reiki and magnetism, understanding the difference

First of all, magnetism is a gift. 

Reiki, on the other hand, can be taught and learned. Anyone can do it.

The magnetizer, sometimes risks giving his own energy, and being tired after a treatment, or even recovering the problems of the person he is treating. 

This can happen if he loses contact with the universal energy, if he is tired, or if he is not neutral.

There is no such energy transfer with Reiki. 

It is a one-way channel. 

Finally, magnetism can only be practiced on someone else, whereas Reiki can be practiced for oneself.

reiki japan holistic medicine

The different degrees of Reiki

In the teaching of this practice, each level corresponds to a dimension of healing. 

But it is not necessary to go to level 4.

Each level will take us a little further on our own life path.

Level 1: Laying on of hands to treat the physical body and its emotions.

Level 2: Remote sending and advanced personal development.

Level 3: Spiritual evolution related to Reiki.

Level 4: Teaching.

The 5 principles of Reiki

Reiki is rooted in a set of 5 principles

All of these ideas or principles, also know as Gokai, begin with “Just for Today”.

Many of them talk about our emotions, which tell us about our inner state about a situation at a given time. 

They allow us to get to know ourselves better. 

Only awareness and acceptance will allow us to free ourselves.

  1. Just for today, free yourself from your worries.
  2. Just for today, free yourself from your anger.
  3. Just for today, show gratitude to all living things.
  4. Just for today, do your work honestly.
  5. Just for today, be good to yourself and to others.

We can meditate, repeat them… we can put our hands on the parts of the body that manifest themselves during emotions.

If we want to see positive changes in our lives, we must maintain a state of inner peace. 

Here and now we have the opportunity to act.

Spirituality in reiki

For me, this is not about religion or cultural philosophy.

Spirituality in Reiki does not imply rituals, nor any particular or complex practices.

And it doesn’t imply any kind of belief either. There is no guru or spiritual master.

Spirituality is lived for oneself, in one’s daily life. 

It is the discovery of another dimension of ourselves.

A luminous and powerful part, just waiting to be developed. 

When we are in connection with it, it transforms our inner state which is then characterized by joy and freedom.

Curious to try it out?

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