Yogaveler Blog | Yoga Lifestyle, Philosophy and Travel

Is yoga isometric or isotonic?

Is Yoga Isometric or Isotonic? Yoga is a culmination of spiritual, mental, and physical disciplines with their roots in ancient India. Today, it has metamorphosed into an exercise in the Western world.  Since yoga primarily consists of ‘asanas’ or postures, it’s imperative to know if it’s an isotonic or isometric exercise.  To put it simply,

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Why does yoga hurt my knees?

Why Does Yoga Hurt My Knees? and what to do about it Yoga is a spiritual activity incorporating physical movements and meditation. But like any exercise, there are risks involved.  A study done by YogAnatomy found that of all body injuries reported during yoga, the knees suffered most (21%).    (image source: Yoganatomy) During exercise, any

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