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Can Sudarshan Kriya Cure Hypertension? (Answered!)

Sudarshan Kriya is a traditional yoga practice that involves cyclical breathing techniques that calm the mind and harmonize the body and emotions.

Can Sudarshan Kriya Cure Hypertension? (Answered!)​

With the help of some therapeutic lifestyle and diet changes, Sudarshan Kriya practices can lower high blood pressure by reducing stress levels and tension. A healthy diet and a calm mind ensure the circulation of blood to all parts of the body.

Abhinav Kapri is a Quora contributor who was diagnosed with hypertension at the age of 19. Even though the doctors determined that he inherited the disease, 19 was a pretty young age to be subjected to lifetime medication. 

In the quest of finding a solution, he bumped into a Happiness Course-Art of Living’s flagship course, which teaches Sudarshan Kriya.

“I loved the Kriya from the start; the first experiences during the course were enough to hint that this is the only thing which can uplift me from my hell hole and lead me to a better place,” says Abhinav. 

He has religiously practiced Sudarshan Kriya for seven years, and his blood pressure reads normal now.

Sudarshan Kriya not only lowers your blood pressure but also reduces depression and makes you less temperamental, but what exactly makes Sudarshan Kriya beneficial to cure high blood pressure? 

What are the tips for practicing Sudarshan Kriya if you have hypertension? 

And what are some of the habit changes that might help you if you are hypertensive? 

Read on and find out.

Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya to hypertensive people ​

You can get through the most problematic situations by just taking a deep breath. 

Sudarshan Kriya technique offers a lot of benefits for hypertensive people.

Creates an alpha brain wave state that lowers blood pressure

When practicing Sudarshan Kriya, you relax your body and mind. Meditation increases alpha waves and decreases the production of the stress hormone known as cortisol. 

When you manage your stress, blood is efficiently circulated in your body, thus reducing your blood pressure.  

Reduced stress levels

When you are under stress, your body produces the stress hormone cortisol that increases your blood pressure by narrowing your blood vessels and making your heart beat faster.

Meditation reverses everything that stress does to the body. Breathing steadily and focusing at the moment restores the body into a calm state, instantly lowering your blood pressure to its normal state. 

Sudarshan Kriya’s breathing techniques help manage stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which continuously relaxes body and heart rate. A relaxed heart rate eventually restores your blood pressure reading to normal.

Sudarshan Kriya reduces shallow breathing

According to Sudarshan Kriya, the better you breathe, the more healthy you are likely to be.

Good breathing ensures your body takes in enough oxygen and expels more carbon dioxide. 

Bad breathing causes your heart to beat faster to compensate for the little oxygen supplied, thus a spike in your blood pressure. 

Sudarshan Kriya’s breathing technique helps you take in enough oxygen to ensure a smooth blood flow, thus lowering your blood pressure.

Boosting energy levels

The Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique helps you to rejuvenate wherever you feel like it. 

Sudarshan Kriya relieves fatigue and boosts your energy levels which helps your heart pump blood all over your body with less hassle and maintain an average blood pressure level.

Connects you with your inner self

Sudarshan Kriya helps you fully connect with your inner self by developing a connection with yourself and your surrounding environment. 

Connecting with your inner self enables you to be accountable for your actions, control your temper, adopt a healthy diet, and generally strive to lead a better life.  

Abinav says through meditation and lifestyle changes, he managed to reduce and control his temper over time. Keeping your calm even when provoked does not spike your stress levels, thus maintaining a normal blood pressure reading.

4 Tips for practicing Sudarshan kriya​

4 Tips for practicing Sudarshan kriya

Like any other habitual practice, Sudarshan Kriya contains tips and hacks for practicing Sudarshan Kriya for it to be effective. 

Here are some of the easy-to-follow tips that have proven to be effective to hypertensive men and women:

1. Practice Sudarshan Kriya early in the morning

Sudarshan Kriya is best effective when practiced in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. 

When you are full, blood tends to concentrate on the abdomen to absorb nutrients, thus making your body a little bit sluggish. A sluggish body means lowered concentration.

Wake up, freshen up, and do your Sudarshan Kriya, then have your breakfast and medication if you are on any.

2. Get enough sleep

Lack of enough sleep leads to fatigue after Sudarshan Kriya. Getting enough sleep hours ensures you remain energetic after a complete Sudarshan Kriya session. 

A tired body amounts to a spike in your blood pressure, thus canceling all the progress you have made so far.

Incorporate a 10-15 minutes nap time after Sudarshan Kriya to allow your body to rest and reset. Napping helps with insomnia and fatigue.

3. You might feel a little bit emotional- It is normal

A lot of people experience strong emotions after Sudarshan Kriya sessions.

It is normal to feel emotional and overwhelmed. Acknowledge the feelings and let them go without feeling guilty or inadequate. Remember, a relaxed mind keeps anxiety at bay. 

A less anxious mind equates to standard blood pressure!

4. Do not overindulge

Too much of something is poisonous, and Sudarshan Kriya is no exception. 

Jay Thuse, a Quora contributor, experienced an increased level of anxiety after overindulging in Sudarshan Kriya. Pay attention to the given instructions to avoid health risks and ineffectiveness.

Remember, your goal is to be hypertension-free, but that does not happen overnight. Overdoing Sudarshan Kriya will not only spike your blood pressure but also force you back to your meds. Stick to the given routine and grow your stamina with time.

healthy diet

Additional habit changes for hypertensive people

Other than practicing Sudarshan Kriya, you can adopt other healthy habits that will significantly lower your blood pressure to an average level. They include:

  • Reducing your salt intake and increasing your daily water intake.
  • Adopting a healthy diet to minimize cholesterol build-up and obesity.
  • Reading spiritual books and journals to help manage your anger and anxiety.
  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Limit your alcohol intake and stop smoking completely.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.


Sudarshan Kriya has proven to be an effective breathing technique that is practiced around the globe. Once you adopt this way of living, you start feeling better both physically and psychologically.

Being consistent in your practice will decrease anxiety and stress, boost your mind and body connection, maintain hormonal stability, and improve your immune system. Normal blood pressure is maintained if all these are achieved.

Sudarshan Kriya can help with hypertension if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and stay committed to the course. Some days might be hard to follow through the entire process, be easy on yourself, take some rest, and resume when you are ready. Remember, this is not a quick fix, so practice patience and consistency to achieve a hypertension-free life.

Always ask for clarity before introducing something new in your routine to avoid accidents. Take advantage of support groups in your yoga classes for moral support and hacks on having an effective Sudarshan Kriya routine.

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