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Can Yoga Delay Menopause? (Answered!)

Numerous studies have shown that yoga offers many benefits for women’s health. When incorporated into your daily routine, it’s a surefire way to delay menopause. 

But how can you do that?

Can Yoga Delay Menopause? (Answered!)​

You can delay menopause through yoga by practicing regularly (at least six times a week) in sessions of 30 to 40 minutes per day. Regular practice improves hormonal balance and helps reduce the negative symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia.

Besides women’s health, yoga is also suitable for people of all ages, as it improves mental and physical health. The practice can help maintain your strength and keep your nervous system balanced. 

This article explains how to delay menopause through yoga, the best age to start practicing, and other effective menstrual health practices.

It’s best to stay calm, cool, and collected when practicing yoga for menopause. There are different types of yoga, and the options can be intimidating.

The best types of yoga to delay menopause are slow-paced and meditation-centered. Some examples include Hatha and yin yoga. Not only will these yoga types help you delay menopause, but they will also make perimenopause smoother. 

The transitional stage into menopause can make you insecure, but with menopause yoga, you’ll learn to stay calm in the face of change.

How often should I practice yoga?​

How often should I practice yoga?

According to research, positive results of practicing yoga for menopause starts to manifest after 10 to 12 weeks of consistent practice. As mentioned earlier, you need to be highly dedicated to your daily yoga routine.

Try not to skip a day of practice for a period of two to three months. If you have to miss practice for any reason, don’t miss more than two days in 3 months. When you keep this in mind at all times, you’ll find it easier to commit to consistency.

It’s good to practice at the same time every day. Some women prefer to begin once they wake up in the morning. Others choose to practice just before going to bed at night.

Choose the time that works for you between these two times, as they are perfect. 

If you are always busy, you can practice for shorter periods. A ten minutes yoga practice is okay if you’re consistent about it.

There are many short videos on the internet to help you. If you need reminders, place a calendar in your practice area to avoid missing a day.

At what age should I start practicing yoga?

Menopause transition (perimenopause) begins long before you realize it. Most women undergo this transition in their 40’s, and that’s the right time to start practicing yoga.

It can be challenging dealing with varying estrogen and progesterone levels in our bodies due to menopause. Some of the symptoms you may experience include insomnia, brain fog, mood swings, etc. These symptoms manifest years before you reach menopause.

Perimenopause lasts for about four years on average. Some women experience this transitional period for a few months. Others last for as long as ten years.

Symptoms of menopause vary in women due to hormonal imbalances. Some women don’t even experience any symptoms at all. However, most women notice a change in their periods and hot flashes.

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9 tips to delay menopause​

9 tips to delay menopause

With the alarming cases of women encountering early menopause, it’s essential to learn how to tackle this issue. 

Some women in their 30’s notice symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, absence of menstruation, and reduced sex drive. These are signs of menopause.

Early menopause can also affect bone and cardiac health, which can cause strokes and osteoporosis. That’s why women need to know how to counter this problem effectively. These tips can help you prevent early menopause.

1. Take vitamins and minerals to support your immune system

Vitamins and minerals supplements help to maintain the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels, prevent viral and bacterial diseases, and support immunity. 

Natural remedies, including ingredients like vitamin C, Echinacea, Zinc, beta-glucan, ginger, etc., helps to activate the immune system.

Vitamins and minerals also help to improve your body’s resistance to stress and blood vessel activity. Alongside its benefits for menopause, a sound immune system also lowers the risk of cancer.

2. Cut down the stress

Stress can also cause early menopause in women. Everyone experiences anxiety and worry at some point. Whether you are a stay-at-home woman or a working woman, you must have encountered it.

Apart from yoga, you can also beat stress through Pranayama. The practice of stress-busting Pranayamas such as Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, and Kapal Bhati will help you feel more relaxed.


According to a group of researchers, smoking speeds up menopause by 18 to 24 months. Cigarette smoke contains aromatic hydrocarbons, which are toxic to ovarian follicles.

It lowers the estrogen levels in the body and eventually leads to menopause. So, it’s best to stop smoking permanently.


You can delay menopause with the right type of diet. Soya bean is a good source of phytoestrogens. 

Divide your meals into small portions that you can have throughout the day.


5. Eat antioxidant-rich vegetables

Ensure that your daily diet contains antioxidant-rich vegetables such as carrots, bell peppers, capsicum, beets, purple cabbages, and tomatoes. 

You can also eat cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. 

Small but significant changes like this can help keep your menstrual cycle for a little longer.

6. Tea against menopause

Tea contains flavonoids and antioxidants, which have been found to help delay early menopause. Regular consumption of tea is an excellent way to prevent degenerative processes in the body. 

Tea has many other health benefits.

It helps to slow down aging and is suitable for the skin. It contains Zinc, which improves the quality of your hair and nails.

You can combine all the natural ingredients in tea with traditional herbs, vitamins, and other active ingredients to improve hair elasticity, support hair growth, shine, strengthen your nails, and revitalize your skin.


7. Groove with the music

If you want to improve your menstrual health in a fun way, you should try grooving with the music. You don’t need to be great at dancing to do it. All you need is music, and you are good to go.

Dance to the rhythm like nobody’s watching. This way, you can nurture your menstrual and hormonal health. 

Dancing is an excellent form of exercise. It gets your heart pumping and blood flowing.

8. Consume sesame oil

Premenopausal women can trigger their menses by consuming sesame oil. It’s rich in goodness, so you add it to your diet. If you have irregular periods, sesame oil can help regularize it.

When a woman is older than 40, her Vata becomes excessive. This can cause health issues such as lower dry skin, brittle bones, estrogen levels, and early menopause. Sesame oil is an excellent remedy to this problem.

9. Exercise regularly

Women can also improve their hormonal health through daily exercise. A 30-minute-per-day jog will go a long way toward achieving better menstrual health. Please don’t be lazy when it comes to working out.

All you need is a 30 to 40-minute workout session. Once you are consistent, you will be able to delay menopause.

In a nutshell

Menopause comes with many undesirable side effects such as stress, hot flashes, and more. These symptoms may occur earlier than expected in some women.

Yoga is an excellent way to manage menopausal symptoms and delay menopause. Once you are consistent with your routine, you will get positive results.

There are a few other ways to delay menopause, including consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals, cutting down on stress, and quitting bad habits like smoking.

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