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Does Ashtanga Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

Ashtanga yoga has been gaining popularity for the last few decades. Here in this article, we will help you answer one of the most asked questions: Does Ashtanga yoga help lose weight?

Ashtanga yoga can help you lose weight as it is a physically demanding and intense form of yoga that can burn calories and increase muscle tone. 

However, weight loss is not the primary focus of Ashtanga yoga, and it is not a guarantee that you will lose weight simply by practicing this style of yoga. 

To see significant weight loss results, it is important to combine regular Ashtanga yoga practice with a healthy diet and other forms of physical activity. 

Additionally, everyone’s body is different, and weight loss results may vary. It’s important to focus on creating a healthy lifestyle overall, rather than solely relying on yoga for weight loss.

Ashtanga yoga, also known as eight-limbed yoga, is mentioned in the Yoga Sutras by the sage Patanjali. It includes various asanas, which should be practiced with utmost patience and dedication.

Ashtanga Yoga includes a full-body workout. Intense asanas are done in this yoga practice that covers all your muscle areas, and therefore it makes for a great partner in the weight loss journey. You can expect to burn on average around 450 to 550 calories per 1h Ashtanga yoga session. 

The vigorous workout improves your strength, flexibility, tones, endurance, and overall health, besides contributing to weight loss. It is a fast-paced yoga practice that enhances energy levels and overall physique. 

But, how does Ashtanga yoga help in weight loss? Read further to find out.

Yes, practicing Ashtanga yoga regularly can contribute to weight loss.

Ashtanga yoga is a physically demanding form of yoga that can help increase muscle tone, flexibility, and balance while also burning calories.

However, it is important to note that weight loss is not a guaranteed outcome of practicing yoga and requires a well-rounded approach to weight management. 

This includes a balanced diet, as well as engaging in other forms of physical activity such as cardio or strength training. 

It’s also essential to understand that everyone’s body is unique and results may vary. Rather than solely relying on yoga for weight loss, it’s important to focus on establishing a healthy lifestyle overall.

Does ashtanga yoga burn fat?

Yes, Ashtanga yoga can burn fat as it is a physically demanding form of yoga that can increase your heart rate and promote calorie burn. 

By participating in a regular Ashtanga yoga practice, you can help to increase muscle tone, enhance flexibility, and improve balance, all of which can contribute to fat burn and weight loss.

With consistent practice, Ashtanga yoga can aid in the weight loss journey. 

The vigorous workout included in the Ashtanga yoga practice generates internal body heat. As soon as you start burning calories, your body will start sweating.

If you are all set to sweat it out through a rigorous, long sequence of physically challenging postures, Ashtanga is your best friend in the weight loss journey.  

ashtanga yoga burn fat

How many calories should you expect to burn after an Ashtanga yoga practice?

The number of calories you burn during the yoga practice depends on the intensity of your workout. 

And your weight also matters to some extent…

If you are willing to drastically decrease your weight, it is advised to practice strenuous Ashtanga yoga thrice or four times a week.  

Remember that the quantity of calories you can expect to burn in a ashtanga yoga session depends on several factors like your sex, your age, your weight and morphology, and the duration of your practice. 

In this table, you will find how many calories you can burn on average during an ashtanga workout:

15 mins

100-250 cals

30 mins

225-300 cals

60 mins

450-550 cals

120 mins

900-1000 cals

The amount of calories you intake in the process also makes a huge difference. 

So, you should keep your calorie intake in check for effective and visible results. 

If you consume more calories in the process, the effort you put into practicing yoga might just go in vain. 

How often should you practice Ashtanga yoga to maximize your calorie burn?

How often should you practice Ashtanga yoga to maximize your calorie burn?

Ashtanga Yoga should be practiced regularly for effective results.

1x1h /week

400-550 cals

2x1h /week

1000 cals

3x1h /week

1500-1600 cals

4x1h /week

1600-2000 cals

It is not only the physically challenging movements that contribute to your weight loss. 

You should also implement asanas that reduce stress and contribute to your mental well-being because that is equally important in the weight loss journey.

Such asanas essentially keep you dedicated to the practice by helping you in focusing on a diet plan and sticking to it. 

Stress, Obesity and Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga heals you inside out. 

Stress is known to cause a reduction in hormonal reactions. 

It can be pacified mainly through comfort eating, which results in the piling up of extra fat. 

By practicing Ashtanga yoga, you can feel inner poise and tranquility.

Wanna know more? 👉 Here Can Fat People Practice Ashtanga Yoga?

Does Ashtanga yoga build muscle?​

Does Ashtanga yoga build muscle?

Ashtanga yoga is known for focusing on muscle training and increasing overall physical strength. 

Practicing Ashtanga revitalizes your body, making it toned, more flexible, more robust, and controlled.

The contortion poses in the initial stage focuses on back muscles and core and gradually develops strength. With time, the stamina and muscles keep taking shape. 

What kind of muscle can be built with Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga poses are generally performed in a flow, and your whole body, individual body parts, start taking shape with time. 

A yogi needs to be clear about his or her goal, and depending on that, a yoga teacher can recommend the Ashtanga poses. 

Poses like tree pose, warrior pose, chair pose, and bridge pose are well known for toning the muscles. 

Ashtanga yoga helps you gain lean muscles and evenly distribute weight. 

But if your role model is Arnold Schwarzenegger, then practicing Ashtanga will not be enough for you…

Is Ashtanga yoga enough exercise to shed some weight?​

Is Ashtanga yoga enough exercise to shed some weight?

To get the right answer, we need to understand what exactly we need to lose weight. 

Ashtanga yoga offers numerous physical, spiritual, and mental benefits. 

But here we will focus on Ashtanga Yoga’s role in shedding weight:

  • Ashtanga yoga poses create internal heat and burns a lot of calories, sufficient enough to lose weight.
  • Ashtanga Yoga emphasizes muscle training and helps in proper weight management.
  • It relieves tension and reduces stress. Thus stops you from overeating.
  • It balances hormone production.
Can I Combine other types of exercise with Ashtanga Yoga?​

Can I Combine other types of exercise with Ashtanga Yoga?

Combining Ashtanga yoga with other exercises and making a comprehensive plan to target your weight is essential in achieving desired results.

Mixing alternative fitness training with Ashtanga can give a quicker result in terms of weight loss. 

If you are practicing Ashtanga yoga twice a week, then keep one day for cardio, and experience the miraculous outcome yourself.

You can also add a Yin yoga practice to your weekly routine, another great yoga style that can help you in your weight loss journey.

6 Ashtanga yoga poses to help you burn fat

There is no single pose that can assure your weight loss; rather, you should try mixing and matching a number of Ashtanga yoga poses to get the result. 

Here we are mentioning a few popular ones:

Frog Pose (Bhekasana) 

1. Frog Pose (Bhekasana) 

  • Lie down on your chest
  • Take a deep breath
  • Squeeze your shoulders from the back and extend your arms backward
  • Fold your feet, bringing them close to your buttocks
  • Grab it with your hands and maintain the position
  • Take five deep breaths and then relax.

2. Mill Churning Pose (Chakki Chalan) 

  • Sit comfortably, extend your legs straight up to the front
  • Keep your legs together
  • Lean backward slightly, keeping your spine straight
  • Clutch your palms together and move them in a wide circling motion
  • The hands should be positioned above your legs
  • Repeat the motion ten times and then reverse the direction. 
Half-Spinal Twist Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) 

3. Half-Spinal Twist Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) 

  • Sit straight with an erect spine
  • Keep your feet close together
  • Bending one leg, try to reach the right hip with the left heel. Cross the right leg over left knee following this
  • Let your left-hand rest on the right knee and your right-hand rest behind your waist
  • Twist the neck, waist, and shoulders in the order of left to right, fixing your gaze on right shoulders
  • Breathe out and release yourself
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha) 

4. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha) 

  • Lie on your back and lay down your feet on the floor
  • Raise your knees such that they point towards the ceiling
  • Place your arms flatly on your side
  • Palms should face the ceiling
  • Raise your pelvis to the knee level and stay still for a few seconds
  • Bring your body slowly to the ground
  • Repeat this at least ten times. 
Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)

5. Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)

  • Lay down in a planking pose
  • Place your arms on the side, palms facing the ceiling
  • Your forehead and chin should touch the ground
  • Raise your left foot about ten inches off the floor slowly, making sure both legs are always straight
  • Repeat the same with the right leg
  • If you are able to raise your legs with ease, try lifting both your legs and your head together for at least five breaths.
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukhasvanasana)

6. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukhasvanasana) 

  • Place your hands and feet on the floor
  • Your back should lean in such a way that it makes a slope-like structure with your legs
  • Point your buttocks towards the ceiling
  • Relax and release your neck and shoulders
  • If your hamstrings are a bit tight for the posture, bend your knees a little bit.  


Ashtanga Yoga is a lifestyle, and you need to be patient while practicing this. It gradually tones your body. 

If you start practicing it from today, you will start noticing its positive impact within 90 days. 

We have already recommended a few poses that you should try. It does not matter how many vinyasa you know; it is all about choosing the one suitable for you.

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