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Does Yoga Improve Posture?

Can you improve your posture by just doing yoga?

Yoga is one of the best holistic practices to improve your posture because it strengthens your back and core muscles, and trains your shoulders to be squared while keeping your chest and chin up.

Regular yoga practice trains all the limbs, curves, and joints to be in alignment, not only while standing erect, but also while walking or sitting. 

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How does yoga improve posture?

The asanas aid in the agility and flexibility of your limbs. 

The gentle swinging of limbs and stretches combined with deep breathing techniques clears blocked energy and relaxes the body. 

The Vinyasa series of asanas stimulate response significantly. 

Here’s a yoga video and that can help to keep your body flexible and improve your posture.

🎬 This yoga class is perfect for lengthening and strengthening the spine and releasing the hips and hamstrings.

This is good for anyone who stands in its feet all day.

Very relaxing and beginner-friendly. Enjoy!

7 Yoga poses to improve posture

Many habits that we’ve come to see as ‘normal’ affect our posture in our everyday life.

Working in front of a computer for long hours, commuting for a long time, or sitting in the same place at work can cause tightness and soreness to the muscles affecting your posture.

For women during pregnancy, the extra weight of the baby makes them walk in an imbalance fashion (duck walk). 

Due to the baby bulge, her legs become wide apart and affect her posture.

“If your posture is off, you’re bringing improper alignment into everything you do and compromising the efficiency of everything, from your workouts to your energy levels,” says renowned physiologist Pete Egoscue.

All of these can be corrected and improved, just by practicing yoga regularly. 

Here are 7 yoga poses to improve your posture…


Virabhadrasana poses are performed to stretch the limbs, keep back erect, and develop strength in the legs. 

It overall strengthens most parts of your body. 

The common Virabhadrasana is one leg outstretched with hands folded above the head. While one leg is outstretched your entire body weight is on the other leg. 

This helps you strengthen your legs while your back is stretched like an arc. 

This asana stretches the legs as well as the torso, shoulders, and hands.

Virabhadrasana revitalizes the entire body. 

This asana brings both flexibility and strength.

Virabhadrasana is one asana that will increase hip litheness and also strengthens the quads and front of the thigh.

Does Yoga Improve Posture? Warrior pose
  Warrior pose


In this position you sit with your legs crossed, spine erect, and hands resting on your thighs or hanging loosely over the knee. 

This yogic pose helps you to improve your posture as you sit erect for a while. 

With practice, you sit erect all the time.

 Padmasana - Lotus pose
  Padmasana – Lotus pose


Sit on your knees and bend backward. 

Hold your heels with your hands. Your face should be turned upwards. In this pose, your chest is stretched and your stomach is tucked in. 

Your body is like a backward arc.

 Ustrasana - Camel pose
  Ustrasana – Camel pose


Namaste is a way of greeting for Indians. 

Both your hands are folded at the chest in Namaste; whereas in reverse Namaste, you need to take your hands behind and fold them in the middle of your spine. 

This is a very difficult asana. If you practice it for a while you’ll be able to do it. 

Don’t attempt it on your own. Have a trainer or yoga teacher to guide you. 

This opens up the chest region and strengthens the shoulders as well.

 Reverse Namaste
  Reverse Namaste


Bhastrika is a highly effective practice where the practitioner kneels and brings the arms to either side, inhales while raising the hands, and exhales forcefully while bringing them back to the sides. 

This practice has the dual benefits of forcing out the accumulated phlegm from the head and also toning abs. 

The posture of sitting in Vajrasana (kneeling by bending the feet outwards) aids in quick digestion too.


The balance ball helps to develop core muscles and add strength to the body. 

Though this ball is not a part of ancient yoga it can help a beginner to perform asanas easily. 

Postures like warrior and forward bend can be transformed with the help of a tool like the balance ball.

You can use the ball while you stand, kneel, or sit. 

It brings balance to the body and tones the muscles. This helps you improve your posture. 

Yoga postures using the balance ball can provide support and help in stability growth, elasticity, and power.

does yoga improve posture
  Balance ball


Prana or breath is an ancient power or vibrant energy that infuses the body and encompasses the entire universe. 

It takes various shapes and meanings in different situations and frames of reference. 

Spiritually, according to Hindu philosophy, prana is the ultimate truth. The living and lifeless world is prana. It gives as well as by itself its life.  

It is the fire of life and quenches the unwanted fires of desire which burn within us. 

It is a cessation as well as the beginning of all awareness. 

Prana is all and nothing.

The breathing techniques help boost the free flow of energy throughout the body and help to push more oxygen to the brain to rejuvenate it. 

As you focus on your breath you live in the moment and thought becomes less relevant. 

This helps you to relax and be stress-free.

 Pranayama - Breath
  Pranayama – Breath

Benefits of having good body posture

Maintaining proper posture has many benefits including:



  • Stillness of Mind
  • Positive thinking
  • Being happy
  • Living in the present
  • Create gratitude


There are not only physical and mental benefits that come with the practice of yoga; it helps you grow emotionally as well

Yoga comprises asanas, pranayama and meditation. 

Just as the asanas help to maintain balance in the body, the breathing techniques cleanse the mind and meditation heals you emotionally. 

This union of body, mind, and spirit is called yoga. 

When all the three (body, mind, and spirit) are in equilibrium you feel a sense of calm and satisfaction. 

This state of being helps you to boost your self-esteem.

When you undergo tough situations in life your self-confidence takes a beating. You lose power and control over yourself. Your posture stoops and you’re scared to face the world. 

That is when practicing yoga comes to your rescue.

The asanas and pranayama help you to stop the feeling of emptiness and the negative emotions that run through you. 

There’s a conflict between your mind, feelings, ego, and intellect. This can cloud your mind and create confusion within you.

Using pranayama, breath consciousness, and meditation can allow you to surrender and release the grip, removing the negativity and uneasy feeling of anxiety from the pit of your stomach. 

Once the feeling of uneasiness leaves you; fill your mind and heart with gratitude towards nature. 

This will help you to think positively and this will automatically turn you into a confident person. 

Once you’re confident you walk with improved posture bubbling with enthusiasm and full of life.

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