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How Often Should You Do Chakra Meditation?

The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit term “cakra” and denotes a spinning wheel or cycle of energy or light; their use and appearance in Vedic texts dating back to 600 BC. 

Chakras are the energy vortices energetically active all the time in our bodies.

How Often Should You Do Chakra Meditation?

As with any form of meditation, chakra meditation should be a part of your daily routine, starting with 3 minutes and increasing as you become more comfortable. Don’t force yourself into meditating for extended periods. The development should be slow and easy, and your aim should be to reach 20-minute sessions.

This article explores how to open and activate the chakras that result in superior consciousness, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. 

Let’s begin!

How often should someone balance their chakras?

Chakras should be balanced every day if possible. An activated chakra is constantly releasing unwanted energies and replenishing them with fresh prana.

Realization as to which of your chakras are unbalanced is the first step to align them. Imbalances can prove elusive to detect unless an apparent problem in any area of the body manifests itself.

Bringing pure awareness to your body and mind is the first step. 

For example, recurring constipation indicates a blockage in the first chakra. A frequent sore throat points to a blocked fifth chakra. And so on.

Does chakra meditation work?

Chakra meditation has survived thousands of years, and the rising number of practitioners point to it being a bonafide regimen.

The Scientific Basis Of Integrative Medicine, published online in 2005 by the George Washington University Medical Center, is among the first books to study the emerging domain of subtle energy medicine. The chapter involving the pineal gland is pivotal.

The following are excerpts taken from the publication.

The book explores the relevance of chi or kundalini, which means the life force or vital energy. 

The pineal gland finds mention in ancient lore as the mysterious third eye and the location of the sixth sense. The pineal is the energy transmitter sending out hormonal and electrical impulses throughout the body. 

The book mentions that the chakras promoted by ancient Eastern religious and medical systems may be the energy transducer for subtle energy. 

There is another study by Adalbert Schneider, Herdecke University, Germany, in 2019 called ‘A Brief History Of Chakras In The Human Body’ delving into chakras.

A lot more research and study has gone into this. Chakra meditation retreats abound in the US, as do online guidance courses.

This is strong evidence that chakras exist, and chakra meditation is a means to keep the spiritual embodiment of your body healthy. It is well endorsed that chakra meditation will be the dominant force not restricted to Indian spirituality alone but worldwide in positive psychology.

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How to activate chakras through meditation

How to activate chakras through meditation

  1. Sit on the floor or lie down.
  2. Start focusing on your breath.
  3. Keep your eyes closed and draw your attention to you.
  4. Focus on the first chakra, the base which connects you with the earth.
  5. Visualize its association. It can be a color, a word, or a symbol.
  6. Now start focusing on the chakra itself. Visualize a spinning wheel. Watch the flow direction.
  7. Breathe into the light, space, and shape, observing with your full trust.
  8. Observe as the light expands with your breath- the chakra’s brightness. It is the cleansing; the brighter, more vivid, the better.
  9. Now picture the wheel spinning in the opposite direction. Feel its coolness or warmth.
  10. Every breath spent with the intent to enlarge and cleanse is a  formidable source. 
  11. Now you shift up repeating the exercise at every chakra. Don’t be in a rush.
  12. When you get to the crown chakra, step back and observe your whole body through your mind’s eye.
  13. Scan your whole body- are all chakras open and balanced?
  14. Breathe into each point as you travel down from the crown chakra to the base and back up.

As you go about this, remember it is essential to trust your gut. Intuitively you will get an idea of which points need more devotion and focus. Some points may expand quickly, while others will be resistant.

Can chakra meditation be dangerous?

Chakras exist within oneself and are the focal points to connect with and reveal the Inner Light of our real nature. But the methods practiced for unlocking chakras can end up unsuccessful. 

Prior preparation is the key to safely opening chakras. Purifying and awakening these energy centers before meditating effectively is recommended.  

Activated chakras expand your spiritual aura. Your consciousness is elevated, radiating goodness and joy into the world.

Here are some things to keep in mind to keep your chakras open safely:

1. Learn how to become ready for chakra activation

The snag with opening chakras is that some individuals, especially sensitive people, have chakras that open sooner than the person is prepared for. They end up exposed to pain and negativity.  

Sensitive people are especially vulnerable as they cannot handle this overload of pain absorbed from others and the environment. 

Before embarking on chakra activation, you should assess your life energy. Our perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs about ourselves and others are held in our bodies in a thoroughly organized pattern.

The chakras, body structures, and organs tell the story of our life. As someone cleverly put it, “ Our issues are in our tissues.” 

In assessing, here are some pointers to help you along:

  • Are we able to stand up for ourselves?
  • Is there something we need to get off our chest?
  • Do we carry a heavy heart?
  • Do we have a chip on our shoulders?
  • In your life, is there someone you consider a pain in the neck?
  • What can’t you stomach?

After this preparation, we can start the process of chakra activation.

2. Learn to direct your energy

A lot of people walking around possess open chakras. You might be one of those individuals! 

Has it ever happened that you have sensed negativity in others? Do you feel upset after visiting certain places, even if nothing, in particular, has occurred?

Susceptible persons can absorb other people’s energy or be overburdened by subtle vibrations in the environment; this is why they have to learn to direct their life energy.

How to activate chakras through meditation

Best time to do chakra meditation

The hours preceding sunrise are considered ideal for chakra meditation. Monique Derfuss, a KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) certified Kundalini Yoga coach says yogis hold that the best time to practice meditation and yoga is called the “ambrosial hours,” which are 2½ hours before sunrise when the Sun forms a 60° angle to the Earth. 

This designation is because, at this time, energy supports spiritual work the most. The unique stillness at this hour lends itself best.

Trungram Gyalwa, meditation Master, attests to this, as do many Himalayan Indian gurus encouraging practicing meditation from 3-6 AM. Time sits still at this hour, and it is ideal for uninterrupted connection with the energy of the Universe.

Of course, this may not be practical for us leading busy urban lives. Anytime is a good time to meditate. In less than 3 minutes, you will start reaping the benefits.

Can we do chakra meditation at night?

By the accounts of many chakra practitioners, the time just before going to sleep is an excellent time, especially for balancing the chakras. It can prove very beneficial as it allows complete calmness and assures a great night’s sleep.

Lie down, relax and take three long breaths in and out. Continue the deep breathing as you work your way down from the crown chakra to the base.

What happens after chakra meditation?

Chakra meditation is a great toolbox to have. This form of meditation clears or awakens blocked chakras, allowing you to harness these energy centers’ potential in the body. 

The benefits range from promoting a relaxed and calm mood to uplifting spiritual awareness. 

Anxiety and stress are removed, permitting clear thinking.

Where does chakra meditation come from

It finds mention in ancient Vedic texts and is embraced by both yoga and esoteric Buddhism. Chakra meditation is a Tantric tradition. Chakra-based work on energy has found resonance with a host of unifying New-Age schools of thought.  

Against the background of psychology, chakras are linked with Maslow’s hierarchy, color therapy, childhood developmental hypotheses, and much more.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui has published a handbook in 1990, Chakras and their Functions dealing with the energy body and its chakras, both major and minor. It explores the Taoist and Indian context of chakras and their correlation with pranic healing.

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chakra meditation


Chakra meditation lays out a map that aids us in correlating mindset, anatomy, energy, and emotions. It sheds light on the body and mind association comprehensively and practically must.

This roadmap lays out what our entire beings require to be happy and healthy. Chakra anatomy makes one aware of their infinite potential. We can remain grounded yet be flexible, passionate and yet disciplined, and expressive without losing compassion.

Get started on Chakra meditation for an enriched life.