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Are Yoga Retreats Just for Women?

One of the many benefits of going on a yoga retreat is getting a chance to meet more of your soul tribe. 

And, there is a likelihood of that tribe being solely composed of women which might make you wonder – are yoga retreats just for women? 

Yoga retreats are not just for women. Even though 72% of yoga practitioners are women, and there are retreats specifically dedicated towards women. Yoga retreats are also available to men, unless otherwise specified

Well then, where are all the men? This article will take us into the world of yoga to explore the reasons behind this vast gender difference. 

The reasons behind men staying away from yoga 

Why is there still a stigma on men doing yoga? Keep reading.

1. The feeling of not being good enough

There is a disproportionate focus on the physical aspect of yoga which has come to take center-stage. 

With that happening, there is much more emphasis on yoga postures resulting in an increase in body consciousness. 

The more flexible one is, the easier it is to get into the ‘perfect’ posture. 

Women being naturally more flexible than men, tend to better express the postures through their bodies. 

This can be intimidating for many men. 

Being in a class with others who are much more flexible can generate a feeling of not being good enough. 

While flexibility is hardly a factor to assess progress in one’s yoga practice, it can certainly keep those who lack flexibility away. 

Are Yoga Retreats just for Women

2. Yoga is marketed mostly to women 

Most yoga marketing is directed towards women. 

The Internet is flooded with pictures of women in all kinds of yoga poses. 

With the advent of Instagram, this focus on attractive looking images has gone up to another level. 

With more women being presented as models for postures and more women showing the visual impact of yoga, yoga has come to be seen as a feminine thing to do. 

Marketing only reaffirms an existing truth. 

Hence, there is an impression that has been created about yoga being a thing that women take up. Marketing targets the female audience. 

Therefore, there are more women than men in yoga classes and yoga retreats. 

3. The perception that yoga is an easy form of exercise

From the outside, it can look like the ultimate aim of yoga is touching your toes. 

A lot of the men are looking for something more challenging. Their goals from exercise usually are building stamina, strength, and muscle. 

While yoga can build all of these things, the approach that is followed in a yoga class is very different from that in a gym. 

It is understandable why the approach of yoga would not resonate with those looking to meet different goals. 

Because of the perception of yoga as an exercise that helps stretch, tone, and relax, it may seem like yoga is not demanding enough. 

And while yoga is also really good for building core strength, if the expectation is to get to a place where pumping weights can take, yoga perhaps is not the solution. 

Wanna know more? 👉 Discover if yoga is an isometric or isotonic form of exercise and the benefits of each type


The goal of going for a workout is quite specific – to work on the body. Other benefits are auxiliary. 

A yoga class is a combination of breathwork, meditation, relaxation, and sometimes chanting

Men who want to get the most out of an hour or two of exercise might not align well with the non-physical part of yoga. 

Not understanding the essence of yoga and how the different practices only contribute to overall well-being can be a deterrent to coming to yoga class or signing up for a yoga retreat. 

Yoga retreats for women 

The popularity of women-only yoga retreats has grown steadily.

These retreats could last anywhere from a weekend to a couple weeks and could be organized in some of the most exotic places. 

The common point is that they cater specifically to the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of women. 

Women-specific yoga retreats encourage women to break stereotypes around their bodies and let their bodies take up space. 

They provide an environment that is safe for them to relate to their bodies. 

The fact that women’s bodies work in a certain way and follow certain cycles, these retreats are a perfect way for them to explore and build awareness of their internal cycles. 

In the company of other women, it is easier for women to drop some of the self-consciousness and self-judgment.

There is just much more ease.

Taking that pressure off is in itself a huge step towards lightness and joy. 

Yoga retreats for men 

This does not mean that there aren’t any yoga retreats only for men. 

There has been a shift towards engaging more men in yoga and increasingly, one can find even yoga classes that are designed specifically for men. 

An all men’s yoga retreat creates a community that fosters the feeling of brotherhood and friendship. 

The travel and adventure add to the delight. With the shared love of yoga, this becomes a deep and authentic experience.

Yoga retreats that are centered around men give men an opportunity to open up, be themselves, and express in a way that is free and honest. 

There is a sense of support as well as respect that comes from being in the company of men who have come together for a shared purpose. 

There is also letting down. Men can step back from their traditional roles of provider. They can put aside their toughness and find comfort in being with their true selves. 

The advantages of gender-specific retreats

The advantage of going on a retreat that is either for women or for men is that it allows us to step back from the gender roles that we all become used to playing. 

Self-discovery is what yoga is all about. 

We often get lost in the structures that society creates around genders. 

And though there is a masculine and feminine in all of us, we are sometimes not able to explore and live those aspects in their entirety. 

A yoga retreat that is women or men specific can provide that safe space. It takes away the need to play a certain part, be a certain type, or look a certain way. 

It takes away all the holding back and allows one to be who they are just as they are. 

Wanna know more? 👉 Does Yoga Make You More Feminine

yoga retreat friends

Closing thoughts

Yoga means to UNITE. 

When we unite with our true selves, no matter who we are, we become ONE. Being born as a man or a woman ceases to hold its identity over us. We can set ourselves free. 

There is a need for more men to shed their inhibitions and discover the many benefits of yoga for the body, mind, and spirit. Once that joy is found, there is only peace, love, and awareness. 

Yoga retreats provide wonderful opportunities to cultivate this freedom and joy. 

👉 Read this article to learn more about all the benefits of attending a yoga retreat. 

The progress in the path of our practice that a yoga retreat can provide though is possible, is sometimes just more difficult to create in our daily lives. The good news is, men are starting to take notice. 

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