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How To Use The Essential Oils & Which One is Right For You?

If you want to learn more about essential oils you came to the right place.

In this article, we are not just going to cover how to use essential oils to treat your skin or relieve a cold for example, but also how to heal your chakras using essential oils.

Let’s begin!

Essential oils to relieve a cold & other symptoms 

It’s no secret that essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their therapeutic and healing benefits.

If we think about that for a second, essential oils are no other than concentrated natural plant oils, which in turn means harnessing the healing powers of plants and flowers by being in contact with them.

Essential oils can naturally bolster and boost your immune system.

However, it is important to understand which plant heals what, and consequently what’s its best use, so here we go.

1. Thyme & ginger essential oils for colds

Cold in Chinese medicine actually comes from the term that you are cold inside, so you’ll notice that a lot of these essential oils are warming internally.

Thyme oil is a great expectorate, one of the best essential oils if you’ve got flame and mucus in your throat.

It has really powerful antibacterial properties.

Thyme along with oregano are known as ‘Nature Antibiotics’.

Thyme essential oil helps quell coughing, drains congestion, and detoxifies.

Apply typically to the chest or neck. Take 1-2 drops internally or add 5-7 drops to boiling water to diffuse.

Avoid use during pregnancy, if you have high blood pressure or are epileptic. 

It can be used in many ways, add 1 drop to a cup of tea twice daily or apply it topically onto the chest.

Dilution is recommended for those with sensitive skin. It can also be mixed with oils like Thyme or coconut oil when applying it topically.

2. Lemon essential oil for swollen glands, heavy cough & allergies

Lemon is a phenomenal decongestant and is also an effective antiviral agent. Lemon contains a compound called D-limonene which has been shown to naturally support your lymphatic drainage system.

If you are feeling this swollen lymph, especially in your neck, doing several drops of lemon several times a day is fantastic for the body, naturally supporting the immune system; it can also help dry out some of that excess mucus because it’s bitter in nature.

You can inhale lemon oil directly from the bottle, take 1 or 2 drops internally mixed with equal parts of peppermint and lavender, or inhale it right from your diffuser.

3. Lime & cardamom essential oils for sore throat

Lime oil is very similar to lemon oil. Supports lymphatic drainage, but also has some natural properties that reduce some of the pain associated with the sore throat. It has powerful antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties.

You can take 1-2 drops internally by placing the oil under your tongue, or apply 2-4 drops topically on your throat.

Another favorite here is cardamom oil, this oil has some natural analgesic properties.

It’s also great for the digestive system and has warming properties that heat up the body promoting sweating, congestion clearing, and cough reduction.

4. Peppermint & frankincense essential oils for arthritis 

Peppermint oil contains menthol and menta which has analgesic effects. Peppermint oil helps soothe joint discomfort with its muscle relaxant properties.

Dilute 2-4 drops and apply to the area of concern.

Frankincense contains pinene which has some natural anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Frankincense oil improves circulation and helps improve symptoms of joint pain.

Massage 2-3 drops into the painful area or diffuse 5 drops and breathe in for 5 minutes.

You can also do a detoxifying arthritis bath, AMAZING!; run a warm water bath and add 2 cups of Epsom salt, 20 drops of lavender oil, 20 drops of peppermint oil and soak as long as desired.

5. Peppermint essential oil for nasal congestion 

Peppermint contains menthol, which helps open up the airways. 

You can put thin in a diffuser and just take several deep breaths in, you can just open the bottle and smell it. Or a few drops topically right on that neck area right under the sinuses can really help open up things helping you fight allergies there as well.

6. Lavender essential oil for inflammations & stress

Lavender has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties as well as fabulous relaxation benefits.

essential oils

7. Eucalyptus essential oil for respiratory problems

Eucalyptus essential oil is an efficient remedy for the respiratory system. Great for supporting your breathing, clearing your sinus, and relieving your cough.

Eucalyptus is the number one essential oil to open up the airways, so it is great for allergies, sinusitis, colds, and headaches.

Just using it in your diffuser or mixing it with coconut oil rubbing it on your chest and taking a hot shower has great benefits.

8. Thieves essential oil for cold & flu

Thieves oil is a blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This oil has antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties which assist in eliminating symptoms of the cold and flu. 

Essential oils for skincare

Essential oils can be amazing for keeping your skin beautiful and clear if you know how to use them properly.

There are 2 main ways of using essential oils for skincare; Spot treatment where you apply the essential oil pure into certain specific areas with your finger or a q-tip; and the Fullmix where you mix the oil with your moisturizer and then apply it to your entire face. 

Just be wary of which essential oils you are mixing and at what time of day because if you are going out in the sun, the sun can kind of damage your skin depending on the oils you use, same with the spot treatment. The more citric oil you use, the more you should be wary about going into the sun with it on your skin.

Treating acne with essential oils 

This treatment involves a mix of raw honey with a selection of essential oils that will take on different roles within the acne-treating process. The oils we are going to use are:

Lemon essential oil rejuvenates and detoxifies the skin surface and helps brighten any acne scars you may have and its best used at night time with your moisturizer (because of its acidic nature)

Orange essential oil replenishes the skin vitamin C, brightens the skin, and makes it look healthier (smells amazing). Its best used at night time with your moisturizer (because of its acidic nature)

Cedarwood essential oil, extremely antifungal, a great antiseptic for the skin and is gonna reduce the redness of the acne you may have on your skin.

Frankincense oil helps with battling inflammation, the forming of dead skin cells which leads to acne.

Lavender oil is antibacterial and if you use it properly is going to gently kill acne bacteria on your skin.

Mix organic raw honey with 2 drops of cedarwood and 2 drops of lemon and apply it to your skin using a makeup brush, put this all over the acne areas.

Don’t go too crazy with the essential oils in the mix because it can irritate your skin, especially the lemon because of its acid characteristics.

Every skin sensibility is different so add essential oils accordingly.

Apply the mix once a day and leave it there for around 5 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

You can finish it up by applying a mix of your favorite moisturizer with one or two drops of orange essential oil and one or two drops of lavender essential oil.

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Treating oily skin with essential oils 

So many people are like “oh you need to do this for your oily skin” or “I solved my oily skin when I started doing this..”

That only happens if you don’t have naturally oily skin, if you have naturally oily skin there’s nothing you can do except with age your skin will produce less oil over time, some people talk about oil cleansing, however, if you have naturally oily skin that would probably not work entirely.

If you have oily skin there’s seriously pretty much nothing you can do to stop your oily skin, but you can mildly, MILDLY control it, and that is with lavender essential oil.

Lavender again is something that’s very calming, great for redness on the skin. Mix 1 or 2 drops with your moisturizer and apply it to your face.

Lavender really helps calm your skin and control your oil production.

Lavender & cedarwood essential oils for treating skin redness & irritations

Mix one drop of lavender and one drop of frankincense with your moisturizer to even your skin tone and really calm your sensitive skin. Lavender is the #1 selling essential oil all across the globe today.

Cedarwood oil can also be good for treating skin redness due to its antiseptic capabilities. It’s also a very gentle oil that will clean your face but not leave it raw like the more acidic oils would (orange and lemon) 

Jasmine & rose essential oil for youthful & radiant skin 

Jasmine oil and Rose oil are two floral essential oils that are very hydrating for the skin. You can mix 1-3 drops with your lip balm, face wash or lotion for application.

Almond carrier & patchouli essential oils for dry skin

Almond oil is really great for dry skin, protects from UV damage, reduces inflammation and has a sweet and nutty aroma you will love

Patchouli oil is an essential oil that’s really good for dry and cracking and inflamed skin. It helps regenerate new skin cells. Patchouli oil is great for mixing with JOJOBA.

Dilute 5 drops with jojoba or coconut oil or mix it with your favorite face/wash lotion.

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Essential oils for Chakra healing

Chakras, the 7 energy centers of the body can be balanced using essential oils that resonate with each of the energetic points, normally, by diffusing them in combination with water or pure.

Learn more about the Chakras following this link: How to Read Your Chakras?

1. Root Chakra 

Situated at the base of the spine, it is red and associated with the earth element.

The Root Chakra is related to all relative issues such as safety, shelter, survival, money, and the physical body.

Psychological influences of this chakra include grounding and letting go of emotional tension, psychological imbalance is linked to accidents, dependency, identity crisis, and weak ego.

If you want to know if this chakra is balanced ask yourself how secure you feel when it comes to your relationships, own life, and work.

Frankincense is a wonderful oil for this chakra point, it promotes calming and centering.

You may also use clove essential oil to stimulate kundalini remote inner strength for protection, and to revitalize physical energy.

Transformational mantra for ROOT CHAKRA: I’m safe, I’m loved.

2. Sacral Chakra

Located below the naval, though as the seed of the emotions. Its color is orange and it’s associated with the water element.

The second chakra relates to creativity, emotions, desires, and sexuality.

The psychological influences of this chakra are sexuality and creativity. Imbalance of this chakra is linked to a week personality, blocked creativity, depression, hysteria, and the inability to be sexually or emotionally intimate.

This chakra, when balanced, provides us with creative inspiration and abundant sensuality.

If you want to know if your second chakra is balanced ask yourself, how do you feel in regard to your creativity and your emotional state of being? Are you an emotionally stable person?

For the second chakra, we can use ORANGE essential oil to promote joy and creativity, JASMINE for artistic development, and YLANG YLANG to promote the passion of love and true emotion.

Transformational mantra for sacral chakra: I relish my creativity and sensuality.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra is located above the naval, is considered as the seed of power and vitality. It is yellow and is associated with the fire element.

The solar plexus represents power, confidence, self-esteem, vitality, and willpower.

This chakra is associated with clairsentience and is a major psychic perception point.

Psychological influences of this chakra include feeling empowered and being in control, the psychological imbalance of the solar plexus chakra is linked to excessive anger or fear, addictive behaviors, depression, and sleep problems.

This energy center aids in resolving karma and processing deeply rooted and outmoded emotions.

If you want to know if your chakra is in balance ask yourself how confident do I feel within myself?

To balance the solar plexus chakra we can use CEDARWOOD essential oil to promote courage, comfort, and confidence in who we are.

ROSEMARY essential oil to promote action and boost self-confidence

4. Heart Chakra

Located in the center of the chest and associated with the color green or pink and is of the air element.

The green chakra is associated with the universal goodwill. It represents compassion, harmony, unconditional love, keeping, and relationships.

Psychological influences of this chakra include understanding, compassion, and unconditional love. Psychological imbalance is linked to inner conflict, relationship problems, self-destructive tendencies, and feelings of loneliness.

It is the heart chakra that allows us to connect with the energy of love, innocence, and purity.

If you want to know if this chakra is balanced ask yourself if you find it easy to accept yourself and others.

For the Heart chakra, JASMINE essential oils promote heartfelt expression and opening of the heart chakra.

LAVENDER and ROSE essential oils to open up our hearts to our destiny and promote love and compassion.

Transformational mantra for the heart chakra: I love and accept myself.

5. Throat Chakra

Located at the center of the throat, its color is light blue and associated with sound, self-expression, communication, and creativity.

Psychological influences of this chakra are trust, expression, creativity, and communication. Imbalances are linked to an inability to express oneself in words or memory and doubt as to the sincerity of others.

The strength of this chakra when balanced is communication and true self-expression.

If you want to know if this chakra is balanced ask yourself if you find it easy to express yourself creatively as well as in communication. 

For the throat chakra, we can use peppermint essential oil which opens communication with our higher selves.

ROSEMARY to receive spiritual communication and SAGE to promote authentic, enthusiastic, and harmonious expression.

Transformational mantra for throat chakra: I speak my truth with clarity and peace

6. Third Eye Chakra

Located at the center of the forehead, its color is indigo and it’s associated with the light element.

This chakra is associated with inner seeing, clairvoyance, intuition, higher consciousness, inner guidance, perception, and discernment.

Psychological influences of this chakra are insight and clarity as well as interest in spiritual issues. The psychological imbalance is linked to confusion, poor memory, inability to focus, and detachment from reality.

This chakra allows one to more readily access intuitive visions, feelings, thoughts, and sounds.

If you want to know if your third eye chakra is balanced ask yourself if you are able to access your intuition and how confident are you following your inner voice. Do you trust in your inner visions?

For this chakra SAGE, the essential oil can strengthen the inner eye, as well as help, see clearly. JASMINE to see deeper truths and PEPPERMINT to aid in inspiration.

Transformational mantra for the third eye chakra: I trust in my intuition.

6. Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head, its color is violet and considered as the seed of consciousness. It’s associated with thought, wisdom, and spiritual insight.

This chakra links us with the universe, the infinite, ad higher consciousness.

Psychological influences of this chakra are intuition, being open and having faith, and connection to higher realms. Psychological imbalances are linked to being gullible, having nightmares, multiple personalities, and being spiritually closed off.

The CROWN chakra connects one to the divine and all that is.

For crown chakra ask how connected do you feel to the universe? What are your thoughts on spirituality?

When it comes to essential oils, CEDARWOOD, LAVENDER, and JASMINE help strengthen spiritual awareness and the connection with the divine.

MYRRH to build a bridge between physical and non-physical

ROSEMARY to help us remember our divine path, SANDALWOOD for meditation and higher states of consciousness.

Transformational mantra for crown chakra: Im pure love and light.

essential oils

Remember, when applying essential oils on the skin it is important to use carrier oils, as some oils might irritate the skin or have contradictions.

NB: Always ask for professional advice if you are not familiar with working with oils.

Putting it all together 

So remember, essential oils are one of the greatest forms of ancient medicine that can be used today.

Stack your cabinet with the essential oils that we’ve talked about in this article: Lavender oil, ginger oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, lemon oil. Those are tremendously beneficial for your body.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article, as always don’t forget to leave a comment! Anything that we may have missed or just to share what you’ve tried and your results!

Take care and until next time!

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