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Yoga & Meditation

Students new to kundalini yoga sometimes complain about feeling sick after a class. There are also those that experience sickness after a sustained practice. Is it true that kundalini yoga can make you sick? Here's the answer..,

Yoga has been on our minds. Maybe we go to a yoga class, or perhaps it features in our New Month or New Year resolutions. Either way, there are questions we have about yoga that need answers. Keep reading...

You can live in an ashram for free. However, this is usually subject to following their code of conduct and conditions. Most ashrams have specific guidelines that they ask residents to follow.

It is not recommended to take a bath immediately after yoga; ideally, wait for about 20 to 30 minutes before taking a bath. Allowing your body to cool down after your practice is crucial for it to return to its resting state and reabsorb some of the lost essential minerals. It also helps in normalizing heart rate and body temperature.

While you can do yoga in a closed room, it is advisable that there is proper air circulation. The ideal space for doing yoga is one where there is fresh air and good ventilation, like a place that is sheltered but open. A closed room with poor air circulation will impede your breath and limit the benefit you receive from your yoga practice.

Chances are, you could be overpaying your private yoga fees. You pay at the trainer’s discretion because standardized prices do not exist.

Yoga nidra is most commonly practiced lying down in savasana. Because of these two practices being interlinked with each other, the most apparent confusion is regarding their differences.

Yoga Nidra, or the sleep of yoga, needs to be practiced when one is awake and present. What then is the best time to practice yoga, Nidra?

Sudarshan Kriya Yoga, also called SKY in yogi-circles, was made famous by the "Art of Living Foundation" from Bangalore, India. It’s a combination of breathing techniques and pranayama. The idea occurred to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar post his ten-day meditation cycle.